Chapter 2

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John walked over to a chest and opened it to find a common ring that had a red jewel in the middle.

[Common] Silver ring with a red jewel. Can be enchanted.

Upgrades the MP of user by 1.

John had a little flashback and now knows that this ring was a gift from his father before he died, and it was very precious to the previous John.

John was worried that he would lose it so he assigned it to the ring slot. He wanted to test a theory whether the piece of clothing/armour would come off irl instead of taking it out of the slot.

He tried to pull the ring off as hard as he could but it wouldn't budge, he unassigned it from the slot and it went back into his inventory.

He put it back on and thought.

John: "this would be handy against pickpockets and people who try to forcefully take my ring."

John looked at the ring and wondered how much it would cost to enchant it and how much this ring would be worth.

Judging by the rarity of it, the ring probably didn't go for a hefty price. Probably around 2-5 copper coins at max.

John now also knew about the currency in this world.

1 copper coin is equivalent to 1p or 1¢.

1 silver coin is equivalent to 100 copper coins.

1 gold coin is equivalent to 100 silver coins.

1 large gold coin is equivalent to 100 gold coins.

Truly this world probably had more copper coins than the entirety of the other coins put together.

John walked towards his bedroom door and opened it, he walked out and looked to his right and saw the main room.

He walked into the main room which consisted of a small kitchen, a table with three chairs and a spacious room that was quite empty but had 1 or 2 chairs in it.

John saw his mother in the kitchen and walked towards her.

John: "Hello Evelyne I've regained my memories and I'm getting a bit bored so can I go out and play."

John was still uncomfortable about calling this woman his mom so he stuck with calling her by her first name.

Evelyne was a bit shocked that he was out of bed and already wanted to go out and play.

Evelyne: "Ok John but be back before sunset and please call me mom or mother."

Evelyne said that last part with an obvious blush on her face.

Before John set out he walked to a pool of water in the sink.

If you could call it that.

He now realised why his mother seemed so flustered.

His jawline was defined.

His irises were a blood-red crimson and his hair blacker than the shadows.

Even though he was only nine years old his face looked like he would be a lady magnet when he is an adult.

He tried to wash off the mud and grime off of his clothes and face with the half dirty water but only managed to get most of it off.

He now looked even more handsome.

John walked towards the door and before opening it he took a deep breath.

John opened the door and was surprised by what he saw.

What he expected was to open the door to a bustling town with stalls and people chatting aswell as music.

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