Part Four 💌

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Charlotte spun around to be faced with the deep blue eves she feared most in this city. As her eyes focused on the figure she realised that it was the one and only Thomas Shelby. The French girl was still nervous after her first encounter with the gangster but relaxed a bit after seeing that he was only handing her a cigarette.
              Charlotte politely took the cigarette and placed it carefully in between her lips, then continued to bend down towards the man so he could light her cigarette.

They both stayed in a nervous silence, the only thing you could hear was the cigarettes burning and the background noise of all the men in the Garrison until the man spoke up.
                    "My brothers mentioned that your family fought in the War." Questioned the man while blowing out a deep breath of smoke.

"Yes my father and brothers both served." Replied Charlotte sweetly.

"How come your in Birmingham then, there's nothing nice about Small Heath." Questioned the Shelby.

"Well your brothers clearly didn't tell you that part. My family got killed in a vendetta not so long ago and i couldn't bare the thought of being back at home in France so i wanted a change. A massive change." laughed Charlotte.

This time it was Charlottes time to ask the questions, although she knew the man's name she wanted to properly be acquainted with him. Charlotte was still so confused why the man wasn't as aggressive as he was the first time Charlotte met him in her office. Maybe he was just having a bad day Charlotte though. But however he felt that day it petrified her.
     "So i'm guessing your the infamous Mr Shelby. To what do i owe the pleasure." Chuckled Charlotte.

The man gave a large grin in return. "Yes, yes i am but please call me Tommy, and i'm guessing your Charlotte Blanchet. Come on i'll walk you home you never know who lurks in Small Heath." Admitted Thomas.

Charlotte and Thomas walked neatly down the dirty streets of Small Heath a few eyes staring at them both but quickly adverted there yes as soon as Tommy gave them a stare until finally Charlotte arrived at her house. Charlotte was great full for Tommy to walk her home she thought of it as a lovely gesture. Thomas realised that they lived closer than he thought. Charlotte lived on one end of Watery Lane and the Shelby family on the other end.
Charlotte rustled the key in the key hole to open the front door to her house. Just as she was about to close the door Thomas spoke.
"I'm awful sorry for the way i spoke to you a few days ago something came up and uh well suspicions were on you." Admitted Tommy

Charlotte nodded politely and gently closed the front door.  "Goodnight Mr Shelby." Whispered Charlotte.


A few days had gone by and it now was a Friday. Like any other day Charlotte wandered down Small Heath and into the surgery making to greet Marilyn and then heading off into her office to lay out everything she needed.

Her first customer was one of the men from the factories unlucky for him one of the other men who was working at the time had sliced the poor man's finger off so it was up to Charlotte to fix up the man.
Gently, Charlotte began to clean up the man's gruesome finger. Early on, the man introduced himself as being called William Thomas a hard working factory worker who's only wish was to provide for his wife and two daughters named Mary and Margaret.

While bandaging up the rest of the man's finger there was a deafening bang on the door. Before Charlotte could even allow the stranger to enter the room, the doors flew open to reveal a madly distressed Thomas Shelby.
                         "Charlotte please come with me now. It's John boys been in a fight again and badly beaten up by some men, good thing is though john boy won but you have to help." Jabbered Tommy.

"Tommy i'm finishing off a patient can't you see! You can't just barge in here let me help the poor man first." Huffed Charlotte.

"No Charlotte this can't wait i'm serious we have a family meeting soon, i'll bring you back straight after. Bring whatever you need and hurry up." Pleaded Tommy.

"Okay fine i'll be quick as possible." Groaned the girl. "William i'm awful sorry for being such a rush i promise your finger will heal up soon and make sure to take your time in work."

William didn't mind of course and most definitely didn't want to argue with Thomas Shelby so he just let the girl go, making sure to smile at her as she made his way out.

Charlotte grabbed her kit and rushed out through the doors of the surgery shouting goodbye and sorry to Marilyn to be met with Tommy who also had a bottle of whiskey in hand ready for whatever Charlotte was prepared to see.

Leading Charlotte into the Shelby's house she was shocked to the the whole family surrounding John. Looking badly bruised and cut was John Shelby although he still managed to laugh here and there but slouching on a kitchen chair hissing and grinding his teeth at the pain he was clearly in.

From what Charlotte could inspect there wasn't any need for stitches which made everyone in the room let out a big sigh of relief.

"You might want to hold him down for this, i don't suppose this will be nice." Charlotte exclaimed while both Tommy and Arthur held John down.

Poring the whiskey Thomas bought over a dry cloth, Charlotte began to clean the majority of Johns cuts until Ada took over. Hissing and curses was all you could hear in the home at that moment.
            Ada and Charlotte didn't get a chance to properly meet each other yet as they were so stuck in trying to help poor John. Charlotte could tell that Ada had some experience in nursing as she helped out a lot trying her best to clean up her younger brother.

Finally after a lot of work John was all tidied up, not long after that John began to explain about the event that happened and this was when Charlotte began to leave the Shelby household.
          It wasn't until Ada met the girl outside was she happy to see another new face. Ada was a beautiful girl with deep blue eyes like all of her brothers. Ada had short brown hair and an i credible sense of style.

"Hello! My names Ada why don't we go to the Garrison and have a catch up we can walk via the surgery so you can take everything back. Me and my family are very great full for your help." Beamed the Shelby.

"Oh don't be daft it's my job to help people but yes let's go for a drink." Cheered Charlotte.


3 rounds later and Ada and Charlotte were dancing around merrily in the Garrison. By now the Shelby's aunt had joined in and Charlotte immediately found a liking to the older woman. Not only did polly join but also the three Shelby men. Charlotte suspected that the youngest Finn was at home or with some other members of the Peaky Blinders. The sound of the three woman's laughter enlightened the pub and all eyes were on the women throughout the night.
That night was filled with pure bliss and joy and it was one of those nights that Charlotte would never forget.

The French in Birmingham 💌Where stories live. Discover now