Chapter 1

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The wind blew across my bruised face. I looked down at the scared kid in my arms.
He was okay.
The sounds of the jet had disappeared now.
It then struck me.

I rushed over to the body with bullet holes all over. I ran my fingers through his white silk hair and put my hand on his chest looking for some sign of life.
I was interrupted by Steve Rogers hurrying over to me. "I'll take him and lie him down on one of the boats."
"Okay," I replied "I'll take this little one back to his mum."
With that Steve picked up Pietro and hurried over to one of the boats.
I stood there for a second in disbelief of the whole battle that had just taken place.

My thoughts returned to me and carrying the small I boy I ran over to one of the leaving boats and jumped on. I reunited the small boy with his mother and they cried whilst holding each other close. I couldn't help but stare at them happily.

I limped to an empty seat where Pietro was lying down on the floor next to it. I too laid down on the seat letting out a huge breath. I rested my eyes until I heard a gasp for air next to me.


I lifted my head hurriedly and looked down at the damaged body next to me. He was alive. He opened his eyelids and looked at me. "Clint.."
"Don't speak," I told him "it'll make matters worse, we'll check u out as soon as we get back to the HQ."
"How am I still alive...."
"I said don't speak." It was clear he had lost this argument and he stayed quiet taking in ridged breaths.
I let out a breath of exhaustion. I looked ahead to see Natasha's arm around a crying Wanda. Wanda turned her head to look at me and saw Pietro on the floor breathing softly.
"Pietro!" She screamed "Pietro you're alive! I thought I lost you!" It was hard to hear what she was saying as she was crying. Pietro smiled and winked weakly at her.
"We'll get him checked out as soon as we get back to HQ," I said firmly. She nodded wiping away her tears and sat down beside her hurt brother, holding his hand in hers.

I laid my head back down on the hard cold seat and closed my eyes feeling the rushed air brush past me. "What an evening..."

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