Chapter 2

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I soon woke up. My vision had gone all blurry and I knew it was gonna take a while to come back, man that battle in Sokovia last night was crazy.
Last night? Last night!? I sat up straight speedily and jumped off a crimson couch. I looked around. I was in the bar area.
Without thinking I started to run. Ow!
I peered down at my leg, it had a bandage wrapped around it, "this is gonna take a while," I mumbled in agony.

I was soon at the medical room trying to look through the closed curtains. I had to go in. I had to see if Pietro was okay! I gently opened the door, walked past all of our medical team and walked over to the bed with a white haired man lying on it. He moved his head and looked at his visitor. "Hey Clint...." He said weakly.
"Hey buddie."
I looked at all the bullet holes on his body and sighed. "How long," I said suddenly without even realising I said it. The medical team all looked stunned for a moment until one of them said something.
"His wounds are healing pretty fast due to his abilities, the max amount of time should be in around two days."
I took one last look at his emerald eyes, smiled, and then walked out of the room leaving him to be taken care by the professionals.

Two days had passed quite quickly in my opinion. The whole team was up cooking their breakfast. I sat outside the medical room patiently with Wanda waiting for Pietro to come out.
It wasn't a long wait as Pietro flew open the door, strolling outside, good as new. There weren't any marks where the bullet holes were. There was no way you could tell he got shot about a hundred times by a machine gun on a highly advanced jet.
Wanda ran up to him and hugged him crying happily, he returned the hug.
"Wassup hot stuff," shit "uh I," well done Clint.  Pietro blushed.
Wanda soon left us alone to talk. "How you feeling?"
"Surprisingly good actually.."
Wow. This was awkward.
"Well uhm there's a party tonight at the bar... I guess I'll see you there?" I asked hopeful.
"I'll be there."

God I'm an awkward legend. I thought whilst putting on my best tuxedo. Why did I say that. "What's up hot stuff!" You're such an idiot Clint!
It then struck me. Am I falling for Pietro?

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