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A wise man once said, Do not pity the dead, pity the living and, above all else, all those living without love. Another very wise but still quite young man couldn't agree. According to him, you mustn't pity those who have lived their life never having known love, as they do not know or care what they are missing, but those who have loved and lost it.


Love is a strange force. It connects people, even more than power or money does. It seems to be everywhere and still so few can see it. It hums with the wind, it is the first ray of sunshine that touches the face of the earth in the morning, it is the cool raindrops on hot skin, it is the thunder and lighting. A force like no other.

He had seen it. Seen the colours. Seen what it could do, exactly how much power it could hold. Now, the wind blew strands of his dark hair into his face, the light blinded his sensitive eyes, the thunder sounded threatening and the lightning shed light on all the dark secrets he tried to keep under lock and key. He had loved, but now the world looked dull. It had been her grey eyes that lit up his world and without them it darkened. 


Welcome! This is a new version of my story NOW, which you can also find under my profile, but be aware it is filled with mistakes. This version, Smoke and Dust, was written with more care and direction in mind and has produced an outcome I am much happier with (tho NOW will always be near my heart <3).

I hope you enjoy it and would be happy for every feedback! Heat those comments up, my dear  demigod friends ;)

always a fangirl,


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