The truth comes out

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Sero dragged Alana to a private beach hut once their she rip her arm away from him

"What the hell sero!"


"What's was that about!"

"That was me saving you from another heartbreak from that idiot"

"What are you talking about"

"The kiss! You almost kissed him Alana. He can take that as a sign you want him back" Alana stayed quiet sero saw her face expression

"Do you you want him back?" She stayed more quiet sero eyes widen ben had finally gotten their and was listening in unknowingly behind him were the triplets

"You have to kidding yourself Alana after he left you for that girl in purple hair you wanna go back to him."

"You dont understand it was a mistake in her part"

"Oh I bet he told her to say anything to you." Ben got pissed off now he walked over

"I didn't say anything to mal" they turned and saw ben the triplets peep their heads to listen 

"Oh sure you didn't beast"

"Look mal spelled me okay what I said that day I didn't mean it. I love Alana with all my heart."

"Oh so that's why you left her with the triplets alone for how long exactly" Ben snapped and attacked sero

"Ben! Sero! Stop!" The triplets got scared and ran to get the others beauty grab mal and Carlos

"Help please beast and my uncle are fighting!" She weep the others heard and they ran over once at the hut they see ben and sero going at it the guys ran up and rip them apart

"Let me at him!" Ben said trying to attack sero

"Stop ben you and sero are scaring the triplets" Alana said frightened they look over and see them behind the others scared they realized how foolish they we're acting

"Sero I appreciate you trying to protect me and triplets but I need to make decisions by my self and what's best for my family and ben look I still love you but I'm not just going to fall in your arms that easily again i need to know now that were parents that I can trust you with not only my feelings but with triplets as well"

"Your right and I do" Jay and Carlos let him go as he walked over to Alana and held her hands

"I swear even if it has to take me the rest of the my life I will give all my effort to you and the triplets" he felt small hands on him he looked down and smiled it was Bianca Lev and Beauty smiling sero sighed but smiled for Alana

"Fine but you hurt her again beast and I won't go easy on you."

"Plus we can go visit the rest of my family in the Amazon" said Alana

"Ama-what?" Said Uma confused

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