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The cast of the show... for now.
Feel free to imagine these characters however you like! One thing to keep in mind however is that the little sister in this story is black while the rest of the family is Italian. The reason for why this is will be explained throughout the story, so stay tuned!

The Romanos

- 15 years old
-only girl of the family
-obviously adopted considering she's African American in an Italian family
-about 5'4"
-feuds with the twins a lot, but secretly enjoys it
-can put a smile on anyone's face, except of course her bullies
-knows nothing about the family business

-18 years old
-part of a set
loves pranking his baby sister along with his twin
"Trouble making duo"
Knows about the business, but isn't allowed to participate in it, is only allowed to gather information
Rambunctious, always has something to say

-18 years old
-other part of the set
-make sure to help his brother with his pranks on their sister
-also knows about the true nature of the family business
-a little chiller than his twin and can often be the one to talk him of any ledge he finds himself on

-22 years old
-The third oldest
-makes being the middle child his whole personality
-loves his little sis, but doesn't really interact with her much because he is always traveling
-knows about the business, role unknown
-Mama's boy

-24 years old
-the second oldest
-Another mamas boy
-will often be the peacemaker during sibling arguments
-will be caught hanging out with the oldest more often than not
-knows about the business, role unknown

-27 years old
-papa's boy
-works alongside his father
-is low key learning how to take over
-will be the most protective over Mack
-is the one who's in charge when his parents are away

-49 years old
-the mother of six beautiful children
-CEO of a fashion company, helped started with her husband
-knows about the business (but doesn't know the gory details), has taken a long path to accepting it
-was the happiest when they adopted Mack, finally ecstatic that there was a girl in the family

-52 years old
-current boss of the "family business"
-loves his family so much that he would die for them
-second most protective over Mack after his son Giovanni (doesn't know how it's possible)
-helps Mack get revenge on the twins for their pranks sometimes
-personality does a complete 180 when it comes to being home and being at work

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