Chapter 2: "Nothing is Going On"

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For the rest of the day Mack couldn't stop thinking about her brothers' friend getting into the SUV. It was a strange occurrence that had Mack thinking what exactly their brothers' friend had gotten into and why that friend thought her brothers would be the one to solve all of their problems. It had her stupefied all throughout her classes until lunch, it was the only thing that was keeping her mind off of her massive headache, which was surprisingly still going strong.



She snapped out her daze and was met with a worried looking Riley and a concerned Will. "Hmm?" Mack answered.

"Are you alright?" Will asked. He wasn't concerned with filling in Mackenzie with what she missed in the conversation. The dazed look she had in her eyes was scary. Will honestly thought she was about to faint or something.

Without hesitating, Mack nodded. "Of course. I was just thinking about homework."

Riley narrowed her eyes at her, they've been friends forever. So of course Riley easily picked up on her lie. She didn't know whether or not to let it slide though. The girl needed more information.

Will was going to ask her again if she was alright, but Mack cut him off. "What were you guys talking about?"

Both Riley and Will shared a look with each other. Mackenzie knew what it meant, but she hoped her best friends would give her a pass just this one time. She didn't know what was going on and didn't know how to convey her thoughts about her brothers to her friends. The whole thing was strange, very strange.

Mackenzie sighed, giving in just a little. "I promise it's nothing huge, I'll tell you guys tonight." After I get some more information...she added, leaving the rest of her thoughts unsaid.

Will sighed, giving Mack a subtle nod, before retelling his story of how his older sister slipped on a banana peel the other day.


The school day was over. It had been for the past twenty minutes, but instead of being on her way home, Mack had been stuck at the meeting spot. The meeting spot where her brothers should've been twenty minutes ago. All she wanted at the moment was to get home and nurse her headache, but her idiot brothers were stopping her from doing so.

Mackenzie gave them another ten minutes before she was once again reaching for her phone to call one of them again for the hundredth time. God, she was so annoyed.

"Oh Mackie!" Luca's voice rang out. "Did you miss us?" Mackenzie turned to face the twins, watching as Luca practically skipped over to her.

"Where were you guys?" She grumbled, pushing Luca off of her and following Enzo to the car. "Did you guys get detention or something? Or was Luca breaking up with his girlfriend of the week?"

Enzo didn't even try to hide his snort. Luca rolled his eyes, and pulled Mackenzie into a headlock position. "Ahh sorellina has jokes huh? I haven't forgotten this morning." He proceeds to lay a noogie on Mack, making her wince harshly. The action didn't do her headache any good.

Enzo and Luca didn't miss the wince at all. Luca pulled away from her and both him and his twin were looking at her concerned. "Mack...are you ok?" Enzo asked.

"I'm fine." Mack answered, wasting no time in getting into the car immediately to avoid their questions. Brynn was something Mackenzie wanted to deal with on her own, her brothers couldn't and shouldn't solve all her problems. Enzo and Luca got in right after she did, but instead of starting the car, Enzo turned back to her.

He gave her one of those looks. The ones that said, I know something is wrong and you better tell me what it is looks. Mackenzie wasn't giving in, she was too tired for that look to work on her anyway. "Mack...are you sure that you're okay?" Enzo asked again. Luca glanced between the two of them.

Mackenzie rolled her eyes playfully. "I'm fine idiots, I'm just tired. We just got released from prison, you know?" She joked. She could tell that Enzo wasn't buying it, but she didn't know any other way to sell it. Luca however took the bait and cut his twin brother off before he could press more.

"She's fine!" He exclaimed, patting his brother on the back. "Now if you don't mind Enzo can you please take us home now?"

Enzo huffed, rolled his eyes, but nevertheless turned around and started the car, taking the three of them home.

As they pulled out of the parking lot, Mack found herself nodding off against her will. However, as she was falling asleep, she realized that she never did ask her brothers where they've been all day.



"MACK!" a voice shouted, causing her to jump up and hit the top of her head on the roof of the car. Mack hated how she added yet another headache to her list. She held her head groaning, only to be faced with yet again two concerned brothers.

"What did you guys do that for?" She pouted, reaching for her school bag.

" weren't waking up," Enzo said. "We've been trying to wake you up for the past five minutes."

"So?..." She shrugged, pushing past them to get out of the car. Luca, however, grabbed her wrist, making her turn around to face them again. Mackenzie guessed that Luca wasn't willing to let her slide anymore.

"Seriously Mack, is something going on?" Enzo placed his hands on her shoulders, but Mack was looking anywhere but him.

"Nothing is going on," She mumbled, kicking a pebble. She found that more interesting than this conversation.

Enzo rolled his eyes. "Fine. If you won't tell us then you're going to have to tell Papa." He threatened.

Mackenzie's eyes widened, but she quickly relaxed. She just had to remind herself that she wanted to fix this problem on her own. She shook her head, meeting Enzo's eyes. "There's nothing to tell," She answered then turning to Luca, glancing down at her wrist. "Can you let me go now?"

Luca sighed, but let her go. Mack wasted no time heading towards the house. She quickly walked in, immediately met with Matteo. Unfortunately for him though, she wasn't in the mood for talking. She really wanted to sleep some more.

"Hey Mackie how was–" Matteo began.

"Sorry Teo I have homework," She quickly lied rushing up to her room. Within seconds, she was successfully safe in her room. She collapsed onto her bed, once again heading back into that dreamland.

Meanwhile, Matteo was left confused about what just happened. "Did something happen at school?" he asked the twins, as they walked through the door.

"We have absolutely no idea." Luca answered with a shrug. Enzo just sighed.

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