What's Done Is Done

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Eren always had certain expectations when it came to interrogation, especially when he was the one asking the questions. He was good at getting to the bottom of things, good at breaking people until they snapped. It was one of his special skills, and what partially made him an important member of Levi's squad.

Ever since Armin had been introduced as his partner, Eren questioned what the blonde's 'special skill' was. Armin wasn't particularly strong; he didn't look like he could even kill a fly. The blonde's snappy (and in Eren's opinion, totally uncalled for) attitude made the brunet think that Armin was only on the squad for the sake of wringing him out of all the secrets behind Rod Reiss' empire.

These assumptions of Armin's existence were erased from his mind as fast as they were written, now that Eren was watching the blond perform in their first mission. For the first time in his life, Eren couldn't help but admit that someone else had better interrogation skills than him.

"It's been a while, Darius." That was the first thing Armin had said, the first thing anyone had said once the three men sat inside the interrogation room. "How have you been?"

Darius didn't do much except give the blond a questioning look, along with giving him a once over. "I should be asking you that. Word gets around quickly, you know."

"So I've heard." Armin crossed his legs, and Eren couldn't help but glance at the blond's relaxed posture. "I'm glad to hear you haven't gotten into any trouble."

"I wouldn't consider this-" Darius gently tugged his handcuffed wrist, its chains clashing together wildly. "-not being in trouble."

"Good observation." Eren leaned forward as he spoke, putting on a confident smirk. "You know why you're here, Darius. You know what'll happen if you don't' answer our-"

Eren had been cut off by a scoff, Darius' lips being curled similarly to the brunet's. "Oh please, I could care less about what happens to me. The only information you'll get is from the streetwalker sittin' next to you."

A beep was heard in the brunet's ear, before a familiar voice filled his ear drums. "Don't press too hard, guys. We just need to know where Rod is."

Eren simply nodded at Mikasa's instruction, sitting back before crossing his arms. He gave Armin a glance, expecting him to follow the girl's instruction despite Darius' comment. The blond had uncrossed his legs, and had tilted his head ever so slightly.

"A streetwalker? That's mean, Darius." Armin's voice sounded fake, so fake that Eren was sure the blond had been putting on an act. "And to think, I couldn't get you off my mind these past few days."

Darius once again scoffed, squinting at the blond. "Really? You think that's gonna work?"

"I'm not lying, you know I don't lie." Armin had slowly stood up, putting his hands on the table that sat in between the opposing sides. "I really haven't stopped thinking about you."

Eren's mouth had gone agape at the blond's tone, a seriousness in his eyes that had even the brunet convinced he was telling the truth. Darius seemed to have felt the same way, the older man unconsciously leaning in for a moment. He must have caught himself, because Eren received a doubtful glance as Darius leaned himself back.

"I would love to believe you, I would. But even your guard dog can tell how full of crap you are."

"Darius," Armin had pushed his chair away, and walked around the table until he was directly next to the older man. The blond sat himself against the table's ledge, and had once again leaned himself forward. "We both know you're not important enough to be interrogated like this."

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