The Places You Come to Fear the Most

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It's been a few days since Lucas beat Nathan's ass on the river court in a one-on-one basketball game and everyone was still reeling about it. Everyone was saying that Tree Hill found it's new star basketball player to replace Nathan, but I could tell it was adding pressure to an already stressed out Lucas. 

School was alright, but the game was something that was on everyone's minds. Which led me to where I am now. At Karen's Cafe with my dad to pick her and Haley up to attend Lucas's first game.

"Karen! You ready to go?" My dad asked putting on his jacket. 

"Oh. I'm not going. I decided to stay open. I could use the business." She said cleaning the counter not wanting to see Dan again.

"You talk to Luke about this?" Dad asked with raised eyebrows.

"No. But he'll understand." Karen shrugged still trying to keep herself busy.

"Karen..." Dad started, but Haley cut him off. 

"She doesn't want to go. She doesn't want to see her high school sweetheart slash your brother Dan slash the jerk who abandoned Lucas slash the father of Nathan, the team's star player slash my wrists if I hear this story again. Lets go." Haley said dramatically walking out of the cafe and I chuckled at her antics. 

"I think you're making a mistake." Dad said walking out to follow Haley. I turned back towards Karen.

"Do you want me to keep you company, Aunt Karen?" I asked feeling guilty leaving her alone.

"No, honey. I'll be fine here. You don't have to worry about me." She said dismissing my offer.

"You know that I hate basketball. I can stay here and help." I said still offering her my presence.

"No, it's ok. Go before your dad has a hissy fit." She said and I laughed nodding.

"Will do. I'll let you know how it goes." I said walking out of the cafe to catch up with my dad and best friend. We were now at the school in the gym waiting for the game to start. We got good seats and were watching the teams warm up. 

"Keith! Hey. Finally came to see your nephew play, huh, big brother?" Dan said as he approached us and I rolled my eyes. 

"Yeah. I guess you can say that." Dad replied with a smirk and I chuckled with Haley. 

"God, he's such an ass." I said and my dad laughed.

"Yeah he is." He agreed. The game was starting and Ravens had the ball. Nathan was dribbling up court and passed to Lucas. Lucas went to catch the pass, but it slipped through his hands and almost hit Payton Sawyer. I chuckled and my dad nudged me.

"What? She's not my favorite person." I said and Haley agreed. The game continued and it looked like Lucas was choking. I tried my best to keep encouraging him, but it was getting hard because he seemed more and more defeated. Lucas then got benched and I was really upset for him. After the game I decided to hang out with Haley at her house.

"God, I feel so bad for Lucas. He's so good, but he just was too nervous to perform." I said flopping on her bed and she agreed.

"Yeah, it doesn't help that asshole Dan was there to belittle him and get in his head." Haley said laying down beside me. 

"Ugh, don't even get me started. I am so lucky that my dad is the better brother or else I'd be an orphan." I said joking about my situation and Haley laughed.

"Yeah, well, Keith is such a good guy that he'd probably take you in anyway." She shrugged and I nodded.

"You're right. So, how is tutoring going? Have any new students?" I asked curiously.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2022 ⏰

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