< Ch 4 >

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3rd POV:

In the middle of the night, Naofumi woke himself from his slumber.

Naofumi finds his arm in between Kumo's breasts, Naofumi's cheeks glow bright red from embarrassment and he starts panicking a little bit, after his little panic attack he carefully removes his arm from Kumo's breasts and sits on the edge of the bed.

Naofumi opens his Shield's HUD menu and started to read the help menu and continue where he left off. After reading half of it he starts to test one of his shields abilities which was the ability to absorb almost Anything and get a shield out of it, naofumi thought about something he could absorb, he starts thinking when suddenly he gets an idea, he cuts his hand leaving a cut on his hand big enough for it to draw out blood which I did, the cut started dropping some of his demon blood on the floor so he quickly hovers his hand over his shield and let it drop some blood on his shield before the cut could regenerate, the drops of blood get absorbed by the shield, naofumi gets a notification on his shield hud.

[ New Shields Unlocked ]

[ Demon shield series Unlocked ]

[ Demon Blood Shield I Unlocked ]

[ Demon Blood Art Shield I Unlocked ]

A smile could be seen on naofumi face happy that it worked, he went into his skill tree and check out his new shield

[ Demon Blood I shield ]

[ Boosts demon's stats by 7%]
[ Boosts demon's Exp gain by 4%]

Naofumi's smile gets wider when he sees this, this could help himself and Kuno get stronger faster, he checks the next one.

[ Demon Blood Art I ]

[ Boosts Demon Blood Art by 10%]



Naofumi was satisfied with the first one but once he saw the second and third he wore a confused expression, he guessed that he would have to unlock them later on his journey.

Naofumi suddenly got another idea, he summoned one of his spiders and some threads.

'Let see if I unlocked two shields from my own blood then maybe I could unlock some shields from my spider and string' he thought as he added the spider and string into the shield, once the shield absorbed the material naofumi got a notification in his HUD he check and found he got two shield.

[ Steel Thread Shield Unlocked ]

[ Spider Shield unlocked ]

Naofumi checks the first one and finds that it strengthen the durability and sharpness of his threads which was good for him the second one lets him spawn spiders out of nowhere and boosts stats for spider type monsters by 3%.

Naofumi closes his Shield HUD

Naofumi, looking out the window he then lays back onto the bed next to kumo and positions him self right next her, closing his eyes, and falling asleep.

Sorry it's short but I promise the next chapter is going to be longer.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2022 ⏰

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