Chapter 6: The Professor

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I don't know why I don't pass out from the cold this time, but I'm glad I'm still conscious. Jay looks more wicked today, compared to the last time I saw him.

Might be the dust and darkness of this cavern that intensify his ruthless demeanor, or my endless panic may simply be interfering with my vision. Either way, I can't manage to look at him for more than a few seconds, and instead shift my attention back to Nathan.

"He isn't dead, don't worry, regular bullets only knock him out."

Just knock him out? What? How? I stare at Nathan's crumpled body with renewed awe, he vastly understated his abilities. I'm pretty sure one bullet would be enough to erase my existence, but he just took two and is apparently taking a nap.

"I hope we don't need to take such measures to make you comply with our instructions Leah, I would really hate to hurt you." Jay whispers as he slowly circles around Nathan and I, like a predator after a successful hunt.

I'm pretty sure he wouldn't mind hurting me, he'd probably enjoy inflicting pain on any living thing. So I play my cards safe, this escape was poorly executed, next time I'll definitely put more effort into the planning.

"I'll play nice, if you answer some of my questions about this place." My voice is shaky and frail but I maintain my conviction. "Where am I, and why did you bring me here?"

Jay stares at me for a full minute, before showing any sign of a reaction. His cold stare and the shuffling of guard boots around me only amplify my nervousness and abates whatever confidence I had.

He smiles, a wicked gesture that does nothing to compliment his face, I have never disliked someone as much as I did Jay at this moment.

"I don't think you're in any position to make demands, considering how destructive you've been since you got here. Just do as we say and maybe you'll be treated decently." The cold commander makes a show of dusting himself off as he makes to leave.

"Oh, don't be rude Jason, I'm sure we can come to some sort of understanding."

I feel a pit in my stomach as a loud voice cuts clear through the shuffling boots and chatter between the guards. Jay stiffens momentarily while the guards immediately stand at attention and cease whatever activities they were doing. Whoever just spoke is important, very important.

The dust in the air irritates my nose and I sneeze audibly, a fit of coughs following immediately after. Where is he, the owner of such a commanding voice. It's still dark yet I unconsciously stand on my tip toes, trying to peer over the heads of the guards around me but see nothing.

"She is a valuable guest after all, isn't she?"

The guards suddenly move apart, a bunch of them going to either side, leaving a clear path ahead of me and I see him, visible despite the dark and dust, a man almost as big as Jack but not as muscular.

There's something else about him, his skin glows, almost as if the blood underneath is made of pure light. Silver eyes behind his spectacles pierce into mine as he smiles at me. The whole encounter feels heavenly. Who is he?

No one says anything, not even the cold and confident Jay, we are all captured by his presence. He walks towards me, maintaining that godly smile. ..and is he.. glowing even brighter as he gets closer? I can feel the power surging within him, that could consume me in an instant.

My survival instinct screams at me to run but I only manage a single step back, It's too late, he's already an arm's length away from me.

"Hello Leah, I'm Jacob, people call me the professor here."

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