Bejing 2008

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Summer 2008 Beijing China

The Mario brothers were outside the stadium

Luigi: mama Mia! The stadium is even bigger up close! Just imagine Mario, us competing in the Olympics. This will be refreshing after sports games like Mario: Tennis, Mario: Golf and bunch of Mario: Party

Mario: hey! Those games can be fun too I wonder if they're will be tennis and golf

Luigi: well they're will be table tennis but not golf

Mario: oh darn. I wonder who we're going up against anyway

Sonic: well well well if it isn't Mario

Mario: Sonic the Hedgehog?! What are doing here?!

Sonic: I've come to take you down in the Olympic Games

Mario: who invited you blue rascal?

Sonic: Sega of course after all Sega dose what Nintendon't

Mario: shut up that joke is stupid like you're games!

Sonic: my games are not stupid yours are. You're power ups are dumb you do realise mushrooms are illegal drugs right?

Mario: hey! First of all Mushrooms are good for you I don't where got that idea from and secondly my games are fantastic I'm loved by millions and I came before you did hedgehog

Sonic: well I'm loved by billions

Mario: ha! A likely story. Besides you've been going down hill lately you blue buffoon remember 2006?

Sonic: don't you dare bring up Sonic 06 remember hotel Mario or Mario's time machine or Mario is missing?

Mario: don't you dare bring up those awful CDI games!

Sonic: dear pesky plumbers the-

Mario: i know the rest! Besides I see them as minor setbacks

Sonic: whatever the point is I'm always better than you I'm faster and I'm cooler. Also shave off that moustache you look a moron

Mario: every time someone challenges me to a race I usually end up winning thanks to a power star

Sonic: power star my ass chaos emeralds are the way to go plus I'm the fastest thing alive I could beat you in a race by miles

Mario: yes that's true but I could easily beat you in the 100m freestyle from what I've seen you sink like a rock

Sonic: my point still stands

Mario: seriously dude anyone can swim there are tons of levels in my games where you have to swim to the goal pole. besides there's not a single fish in the entire ocean that can't swim

Sonic: what do fish have to do with the Olympics?

Mario: imma just saying most of the worlds population has the ability to swim

Sonic: you are so gonna get it Mario

Mario: everyone knows I can beat you when it comes to strength

Sonic: bitch please you're too slow

Mario: I'll show you slow bring it on hedgehog!

Luigi: Mario the opening ceremony's about to start

Sonic: see you in hell plumber boy

Mario: you first Sonic

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