Vancouver 2010

45 0 0

2 years after the previous part

Location: Vancouver British Columbia

Mario: ah Vancouver such a nice place am I right Luigi?

Luigi: yeah seems like a great place to host the winter games

Mario: I'm hoping they'll be better than the summer games and I hope I don't see that jerk Sonic again

Sonic: ah Vancouver such a nice place can't wait to-

He notices the Mario brothers

Sonic: oh no not mushroom brain again

Mario: well well well if it isn't Sonic the Hedgehog back for round 2 I see?

Sonic: you shoved me into the pool and left me to drown you douchebag

Mario: oh come on you're still on about that seriously let that go and besides you deserved it you dick

Sonic: and you deserved getting you're ass handed to you back in 1991 with the Sega Genesis

Mario: Super Mario Bros blows that game right out of the water

Sonic: don't you dare make water jokes in front of me

Mario: water you talking about? Hahahahaha!

Sonic: Mario I swear to god keep this up and I'm gonna strangle you

Mario: those brawls weren't enough were they?

Sonic: I could do those brawls all day and night

Mario: stop trying to rip off Mario: Kart with you're Sonic: all stars racing crap or whatever the hell it's called (not that I care about what it's called)

Sonic: don't tell me what not to rip off the only thing I'll rip off is you're face

Mario: not if rip off you're legs first try running speed of sound in that state

Luigi: Mario the opening ceremony is about to start come on let's go

Mario: see you in hell ya prick

Sonic: you first asshole

1 week later

Sonic was in his and Tails room (they share btw but Tails was busy at this time)

Sonic: ah needed i nice relaxation after a cold day out

Knock knock

Sonic: come in the doors unlocked

Luigi: hey Sonic

Sonic: umm who are you again?

Luigi: I'm Luigi Mario's little brother

Sonic: oh so what are doing here?

Luigi: I got you a chilli dog

Sonic: thanks how did you know?

Luigi: you're friend Tails told me he's actually a really cool guy

Sonic: yeah he is. You're so much nicer than you're brother I bet must suck having a brother like that

Luigi: oh don't say that Mario is actually a really nice guy when get to know him he's kind he's brave and someone I look up to. In fact I was wondering if you get the chance go talk to him

Sonic: I don't know Luigi he and I have had a rough history together

Luigi: look just because he makes fun of you doesn't mean he's a mean person at heart

Sonic: alright fine I'll do it where's is he anyway?

Luigi: he's in the town admiring the place

Sonic: got it thanks Luigi

Luigi: no problem Sonic

Sonic left and then Tails came in

Tails: do you think they'll be friends now?

Luigi: I'm sure just give it time

To be continued

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