A Girl????

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Kaitlin P.O.V
Jay talked to the girls who were bullying me they stopped. But then they got my phone number and started harassing me on my phone. How did they get my number? I have no clue, anyway it didn't bother me that much untill one faithful day.

One sunny day

Yeah I was still getting bullied but it wasn't really bad because I would just shrug it off and continue on with my day. I was waiting at the bus stop when I heard someone call my name I turned around and saw a girl with pig tails and was wearing the same girls uniform as me. I then said" So they finally figured it out, didn't they Jay?" Jay said" Yeah." With a sigh. See Jay was trying to act like a guy so she could be on the boys baseball team. She was just as good as them, what am I saying she is better than them, it meant a lot to her so I kept quiet but she got caught just like she did at our old school. "So who did u get caught?" I asked. " Well u know who I would ways change in the shower so they wouldn't see i was a girl. Well one of the guys on the team thought that the shower I was in was empty and when he walked in I had my shirt off and my hat off so he saw me wearing my bra and he saw my long hair. I told him to keep it a secret but he told. they want me on the team still so they talked to the teachers and they said it was ok but I have to wear the girls uniform to school,but good news they are changing the baseball team to co-Ed so girls and guys can play on it." I shook my head and said" I like how u got caught the same way twice." Jay then said" shut up, it's not my fault!" Everyone practically new now that Jay was a girl now. They were shocked but it blew over quickly.

Last period

Kaitlin P.O.V
I was sitting at my desk in my last class, I was waiting for the bell to ring. " tick, tick, tick, tick...." I kept staring at the clock , it felt like centuries before it rang but really it was only a minute. I entered the hallway where everyone was whispering and giving me nasty looks.I kept walking and I finally got to the front of the school Jay saw me and grabbed my wrist and dragged me while she was running towards my house as fast as she could. I asked" What's wrong?!?" She responded" No time, I'll tell u when we get to ur house!"

At the house
Because Jay was on the track team and on the baseball team, we got to my house pretty quickly because she was practically dragging me. I unlocked the door to my house,we went inside and I locked the door. I turned around and asked" Now tell me, what's going on here?"

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