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*Lzzy's POV*

I can't remember how I got here or what even convinced me that this would be a good idea. All I know is that right now I need my best friend.

She always made me laugh and always had a way to comfort me more then my boyfriend ever could. Of course that's what caused the fight and the break up.

That's what caused this current moment as I stood on her doorstep banging on the front door at midnight, hoping to every single being in the sky that she is awake.

When the porch light came on, I left out the breath I didn't know I was holding and waited for the door to swing open. Her brown eyes squinted as she moved a disheveled hair out of them.


I nodded with a small smile on my face.

"What are you doing here?"

I frowned

"Me and Chris got into a fight."

She grabbed one of my hands, pulling me into her embrace.

"Come on, let's get you feeling better."

I whimpered an 'okay' as she moved around the house, grabbing pillows and covers.

She set up the couch, laying down and patting the space beside her asking to cuddle in. Sliding the large jacket off of my body and laying it down beside the couch, I snuggled into the small space.

My head resting on her chest, her hand rubbing my lower back. Fifteen minutes of silence being interrupted by Angel as she looked down to me.

"You wanna tell me what happened?"

I looked up to her, readjusting to face her. Honestly, I didn't want to tell her. She never really liked Chris. She always made sure I knew that.

Angel put up with him because of me, I know that. A part of her hated that. She wanted so badly to just show me how shady Chris was but it was better I learn on my own even if it mean I ended up at her house in tears.

"Everything was fine. We were laughing and having fun. He saw your name on my phone and just flipped his lid. He said you were trying to steal me from him, he didn't like it and I had to choose between him or you."

She shook her head, pulling me closer into her embrace.

"I didn't make a fast enough decision and he just ended it. He said I wasn't being faithful anyway and neither was he."

I was sobbing at the end of the sentence, heartbroken that someone I wanted a life with just dumped me. Not to mention even admitted to cheating, a feeling I had for awhile, not gonna lie

"He doesn't deserve you Lzzy."

Angel pressed a kiss to my temple. Her thumb wiping away the tears that fell, his eyes filled with... sadness? Why?

"Can I ask you something?"

She nodded, her brows furrowed.

"Angel, why would he think you were trying to steal me from him?"

I moved my hand to her chest, resting my head on it as I watched her. The look on her face changing completely as she shrugged

"I don't know. I really don't."

"I just don't get it. It's not like you have feelings for me."

I let out a laugh as I shake my head. Her eyes filled with sadness as she flicked them to mine, watching as my eyes changed once everything clicked.

The countless times she always comforted me. How she would be there more then anyone else. Every single thing she did was as cliche as the rom com movies.

"You do, don't you?"


I pulled myself up from her embrace, shaking my head as I got up off the couch.

"You have feelings for me, it all makes sense."

I said grabbing the jacket off the floor, sliding it back on as I walked to the door. Mumbling to yourself as Angel followed after me.

"Lzzy, I didn't mean to fall for you. It wasn't my intentions at all."

Turning on my heels, I let out a laugh and shook my head.

"I gotta go."

Lzzy Hale Imagines/One Shots Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant