A Day in the Waterpark

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Today, hopefully, is gonna be a good day, me and Lzzy are going to a water park, the downside is that we are going with the guys and a few of her famous friends too which means paparazzi everywhere... great...

Also Lzzy has been acting weird lately, not like I'm cheating on you weird just she always wants to be beside me, she always wants to know what I'm doing and where I'm going, who I'm seeing and so on... I'm going to make a mental note to ask her about it later.

We arrive at the pool and just as expected paparazzi everywhere I mean all the way to the water park entrance all I saw were flashes and people screaming. We finally made it inside when I got a text from my best friend, Jhenny

'Hey, have you gotten to the water park without getting run over by the paparazzi? 😂'

I laughed at that

L: "Who was that" I jump from being surprised

A: "You scared the crap out of me' I said putting my hand on my chest 'its just Jhenny"

Her face scrunched up a bit but she didn't said anything, she jut walked to the pool area... Well that was strange

We arrived at the pool and I got another text from Jhenny

'Having fun seeing Lzzy in a bikini? 😏'

I blushed

L: "Why you so red?"

A: "Oh its nothing just Jhenny" she gave me a strange look

L: "What did she say?" 

A: "Nothing" I replied

L: "It's not 'nothing', your blushing" she says a little more agitated now

I'm about to say something when I hear Arejay's voice

AJ: "Will you two love birds get your asses up here"

I look up to see him up some large stairs about to slide down into a huge slide, I look down and see the rest of the gang behind him looking at me and Lzzy.

After that the rest of the day goes by okay. In the end of the day we decide to leave, me, Lzzy, Arejay, Joe and Josh and his family went back to her place and their other friends went home. When we arrive at her house I got another text from Jhenny, this time asking if I had fun at the water park

L: "Is that Jhenny?" she asks annoyed

A: "Yes"

L: "You really like texting her don't you? Apparently more than you like spending time with me" she says with a bad tone in her voice

A: "OK, what's wrong? You have been acting weird all week" I ask rather mad now

L: "I don't know what your talking about"

A: "Yes you do. Every time I go somewhere or do something you always ask what I'm doing or were I'm going, you really don't trust me? " I say with tears threatening to come out


A: "W-w-what?"

L: "I love you, that's why I've been overprotective this past week. I've been more paranoid of you because now you could fully break my heart" I hear her say with  tears in her eyes. I kiss her

A: "I love you too" I say when our lips part

L: "Really?"

A: "Ever since I first saw you" she smiles and we kiss again

"AWW" We hear someone say

I turn my head to see Arejay, Joe, Josh and Alexis, all with popcorn as if they are watching a movie that's when Lzzy caught my hand and took me to her room.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2021 ⏰

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