I : Bus Station

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"Are you serious daeun?" sunoo scoffed, ruffling his fingers through his hair out of anger.

I couldn't utter a word, way too tired to even argue back and hear his dumb excuses as usual.

"So are you breaking up with me huh?" Sunoo bent down to stare at my blank face, he was indeed not satisfied what he was seeing right now.

"We are over sunoo" i replied, decided to stare at him back after avoiding him for too long, my heart was racing.

I didn't want to cry but I felt tears coming out of my eyes after holding it for too long. They weren't tears of sadness though..they were tears of anger.

"Is this because of her? i told you it was an accident and I didn't mean to-" I interrupted him by a harsh slap on his face, he hissed at the stinging feeling and rubbed his cheek as he rolled his eyes at me after.

"I SAID WE ARE FUCKING DONE!" i yelled as i continued to cry, way too disgusted to even look at his face at this point. Lastly i sat down on the ground, I couldn't take it anymore. I was exhausted.. way too exhausted.

*drop* *drop*

I looked above me and realized it was about to rain, I'm about to get soaked without an umbrella. Rainy days were my favorite, I always liked the rain but not todays rain.

Sunoo sighed and bent down to look at me for the last time before saying "Fine, when you see me act like you don't know me. Goodbye daeun" sunoo harshly spoke before he got up to leave me alone and getting drenched under the rain.

"You fucking asshole" i mumbled to myself, seeing his walking figure fading away by each step he was taking.

I remained at the same spot for few minutes, I couldn't even move a single muscle. What did I do to deserve this?

"Come on daeun get your shit together" i tried to comfort myself, finally getting up from the wet ground as i wiped my tears mixed with water on my face.

"it's cold" i shivered, rubbing my soaked arms as a way to feel some warmness on my body. It wasn't working.

I stared at the sky once again as droplets of water were hitting my face, still processed the whole thing that happened earlier. Will I able to get over this soon?.. I stepped onto something while I was walking and noticed sunoo actually left his umbrella on the ground.

"He is being useful for once" i chuckled, I did not even want to take his umbrella that's how disgusted I was. But I had no choice but to use it for now, I knew I would throw it away later.

I firmly grabbed the umbrella and left my spot. Yep I'm definitely not coming back here again especially this spot.


She looked at her phone to check what time it was, It was 5:00 pm. Daeun knew she was doomed.

"Gosh, mom is gonna kill me" she mumbled to herself, grabbing her phone firmly as she started to walk faster. Trying to catch the bus that was ahead of her.

"WAITTT" she started to yell out of her lungs chasing the bus which was driving way faster than before but there was no response, the bus continued to drive.

"This day couldn't get any worse oh my fucking god" she swore, running her fingers through her soaked hair as she tried to catch her breath.

She had to wait until the next bus arrives at the bus station, knowing she will get scolded later by her mom.

While losing in her thoughts she heard some whimpers, sounds like someone was quietly crying. She guessed it right, someone was crying.

She looked to her left to see a boy who was also drenched in water, his face was a mess exactly like hers and exactly fucked up like hers.

He was sitting alone by himself as he continued to cry, he did not even care about his surroundings who were looking at him weirdly.

She don't know why but she got a bit curious seeing that boy like that. "Why do I even care?" She rolled her eyes and looked away.

But as she couldn't help but to get more curious she decided to take a glance at him once again.

She sat down slowly next to him and stared at the boy, hopefully she can comfort him.

"What's wrong?" She finally spoke, tilting her head to the side to get a better view of his face.

The boy remained silent.

"Hello?" She waved her hand in front of his face but he wasn't affected by it. Is he zoning out? Or is he ignoring her?

"You don't have umbrella with you do you?" She stared at him hoping to get a respond from him but he still remained silent and continued to ignore her.

She don't know why she was talking to him at the first place. "I guess I'm bored" she thought to herself.
"I will give my umbrella to him" She thought, she don't want that stupid umbrella now anyways.

"Here" she opened his fist to give her umbrella to him.

He looked at his fist, not wanting to take her umbrella but he was too tired to stop her.

After that she decided to also remain silent not wanting to bother the stranger next to her anymore.

As she was about to speak again she saw the second bus arriving at the bus station, making her stand up at the sight immediately.

"I have to go, I hope you get better" "whatever you are going through" she said while fixing her drenched clothes.

She took a glance at him for the last time and froze at her spot.

She looked into the boy eyes which were piercing right back at hers. Both were staring at each before he broke the eye contact, probably not to make it more awkward.

She expected him to say something but he didn't, daeun sighed and gave up before she entered the bus.

She paid and sat down by the window as she finally felt some warmness going through her body after she got left and soaked by the rain.

She looked through the window and saw the boy had his hands covering his face, assuming he was crying more. Ouch.

She then remembered sunoo all of the sudden and could feel tears forming in her eyes again but she wiped her tears away quickly, she did not want to be distracted by that anymore.

The bus finally moved and before she knew she fell a sleep leaning her head against the cold foggy window.

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