Anger and Fear.

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'Time to wake up Ezra,' said a voice that sounded familiar and yet not at the same time.
'Who are you?' asked Ezra.
'You'll know me soon enough,' replied the voice. 'じゃまた, 私の息子.'
Strangely, Ezra didn't know the language the voice had just switched to but he knew what had just been said. And he couldn't help but call out to the disappearing figure.

<present time>
Sabine sat beside the med-bay bed, watching and waiting for Ezra to wake up. In her opinion, it was very boring just sitting there waiting for him to wake up. He'd been asleep for almost two days since they'd met up with him at the warehouse.
Sabine slouched down in the chair and sighed. It was going to be a very boring few hours until they reached their destination.
Sabine had just closed her eyes when she heard Ezra mutter something in what sounded like another language. Sabine shot up and looked over at Ezra.
'What did he just say?' wondered Sabine, not recognising the language he'd spoken in.
Ezra continued to mutter in whatever language he was talking in and Sabine grew slightly concerned.
"Hey, Kanan," said Sabine through her com-link. "Reckon you could come to the med-bay?"
"What's happening?" asked Kanan, seemingly concerned.
"No idea," replied Sabine. "Ezra just started speaking in another language."
"On my way," said Kanan.
Sabine turn off her com-link and listened to Ezra muttering. The language sounded familiar but she didn't actually understand any of it.
Suddenly, Kanan burst through the med-bay door and heard Ezra mumbling.
"How does he know that language?" asked Kanan, seemingly amazed. "He hasn't even met her has he?"
"Kanan, what are you talking about?" asked Hera.
"Listen," replied Kanan.
Hera turned to Ezra and heard him mumbling in whatever language he was.
"Should we wake him up?" asked Sabine.
"We probably should," said Kanan, moving over to the bed.
Sabine shook Ezra's arm lightly and he shot up with an exclamation.
"What going on?" asked Ezra, not realising who was there. "Oh, it's you guys."
Kanan saw Ezra's eyes were electric blue for a split second before turning a deep golden colour and making his comment. His comment seemed to be meant it as a hurtful comment, but Kanan ignored it. Ezra had been with a dark lord of the Sith for about three months. It wasn't like he could forget everything the Inquisitor had taught him just by going to sleep for almost two days.
"Ezra?" asked Kanan.
Ezra glared at him but didn't reply.
"We'll be reaching Jaroon soon," said Kanan. "An old friend of mine there will be able to help you."
"I don't need any help," said this now seemingly darker version Ezra, stubbornly.
"Yes Ezra, you do," replied Kanan. "Your mind has been altered and I cannot fix it with my knowledge of Force healing. But my friend can."
"I don't need any help!" shouted Ezra.
Unknown to Ezra, several things in the room had started floating in the air. Anger seethed inside of him. He was fine, nothing was wrong with him. Kanan was lying, he must have been! Ezra jumped off the bed and stared hard at Kanan.
"I don't need any help from you Jedi and your fake religion!" shouted Ezra, his voice suddenly changing in pitch as if someone else was speaking. "The darkness has proven stronger."
Everyone in the room stepped back from this 'Dark' Ezra. This wasn't like anything that would normally happen to anyone.
"Calm down Ezra," said Kanan, though it was obviously him who needed to keep calm.
Dark Ezra was about to say something else that was probably insulting to Kanan and everyone when suddenly he felt extremely nauseous. Ezra swayed and stumbled forward as images came into his mind.
A teenage girl with multi-coloured hair with two teenage boys and a younger girl and boy. They seemed to be fighting someone or something. Ezra couldn't tell.
The images changed and the crew of the Ghost was there with them, but Ezra wasn't there. Ezra couldn't see himself either.
Suddenly, the images changed a third time and this time Ezra was scared.
In his arms he held the girl with the multi-coloured hair in his arms. She seemed to be bleeding to death and she was saying something to him but he couldn't understand what she was saying. It was all in another language.
The images disappeared and Ezra felt strong hands stop him from falling to the ground.
"Kanan, someone," whispered Ezra, his teary electric blue eyes showing hurt and fear. "Help me, please."
Kanan's voice was blurred as Ezra's vision faded out and lost all connections to his awake mind.

"Why'd you connect with him like that?" asked a teenage looking boy.
"I promised an old friend I'd look after him, so I will," replied a teenage looking girl.
"And you did that?" asked another teenage looking boy.
"It was the only thing I could have done for such long distance," replied the girl shrugging.
"You know they'll come here right?" asked the first boy.
"I know," replied the girl.
"What do you plan to do with the kids?" asked the other boy.
"They'll be fine, they can look after themselves pretty damn well," said teenage girl. "And besides, they'll bring him with them."

---Authors Note----
Okay, eight chapters done who knows how many to go!
Anyway, you may be wondering what the Japanese up the top says. Well, in truth I won't tell you because it would give away the entire story (mostly). Also it may not be correctly written.
Ps. The language that Ezra was speaking in was Japanese I just can't write it that well so I left out what he said. Japanese is an awesome language and will be used frequently throughout all of my books. It's one of my best subjects at school along with English, Humanities and Computing-Multimedia.
At the end of each book I'll translate everything that is said.
In this book Japanese and little bits of German will be classed as 'Ancient Languages'. This is because almost no one knows about them or can speak them.
So I'll be having some fun with that, and if you couldn't tell, I love Languages!
Later Star Wars Rebels Fans.

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