Chapter 19

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*This chapter contains substance (alcohol) abuse. Other things may be triggering but it would spoil the plot if I warned you, so if you would like to know before reading or you know you have certain triggers I will put the warnings in the section of this book called 'warnings/introduction'.

It was a bleak November day that would mark the end of everything as I knew it. The air was harsh and cold but comforting and sweet, showing no warning of the events that would unfurl, fracturing our lives like glass. No warning that I would be left to try to pick up the pieces, cutting myself many times before I could create something even remotely resembling the life I once had.

It was a Sunday and the children and I had just gotten back from a muddy walk in the rain. Muddy wellingtons were strewn about the hall and rainwater fell in defiant drops from abandoned coats, seeping into the old carpet. Odd socks that had been stripped from cold toes were left hanging, like early stockings, on the radiator. But I didn't mind; I'd clear it all up later.

Now, Jack was in his father's study, concentrating on his maths homework while Rosie played with an ambitious collection of toys, arranging them in a circle so they could have a tea party. Except the 'tea party' was looking more like a cult. As for me, I was curled up on the sofa, pretending that I wasn't about to fall asleep. Exhaustion had caught up with me over the weekend and I was so tempted to surrender to its pull. Today was Aaron's supposed day off but he'd been called into the BAU to smooth over a major administrative error that had led to an unfortunate misunderstanding with the one and only Erin Straus. I had been looking forward to spending the day as a family but life had other plans.

My heavy eyelids had just begun to close when the doorbell rang. I groaned softly, wondering if I could just ignore whoever it was and they'd go away. But that would be rude. Reluctantly, I went to answer the door. I wasn't exactly surprised to see River because she was a regular visitor at this point. She was welcome, I realised with a smile. But I was surprised to see a rucksack on her shoulders. The sight of it brought on a sudden bought of uneasiness. I shook my head, dismissing the feeling as a symptom of something else.

She hugged me for longer than usual, which I thought was strange. There was something about her lingering touch that felt like goodbye. But, regrettably, I ignored my gut. Which would have devastating consequences.

We passed the study and River said a quick hello to Jack who nodded absentmindedly in response, not looking up from the sums scrawled in front of him which required his intense concentration.

In the living room, Rosie bounded up to her aunt and threw her arms around her waist, delighted by the surprise visit. When Rosie grew tired of socialising, she turned back to her toys, leaving River and me sitting across from each other. The only thing between us was the old coffee table, stained with coffee rings, paint smudges and the lively scrawl of coloured pencils. We sat in uneasy silence, both of us watching Rosie mutter under her breath as she reprimanded a Batman figurine for poisoning the tea. After some time, River spoke.

"I need you to do something for me," She said, a glint of something unrecognisable flickering behind her eyes.

I didn't answer her right away because, for some reason, I was afraid. It was a feeling that stemmed deep from my gut. I watched her carefully, my eyes trained on her every move —as if she were an unpredictable animal that might lash out anytime. My eyes went to Rosie who was playing with her back to us with her dolls and action figures.

"You look sad," I said because she did.

She gave me a funny look then —something between annoyance and amusement and I thought that was true sibling love. Annoyance and amusement.

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