Chapter 3: Late Nights & Early Mornings

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Jude's POV
I stretch to attempt to make myself get up the next morning, and after several minutes of internal battle, I do. Except when I actually open my eyes I realize the huge mistake I've made.

Dammit. How could I fall asleep in Sunny's bedroom? We laid next to each other on the floor and fell asleep watching Dawson's Creek, I guess. I tiptoe to her bedroom window and open it before going through the motions to get out of here.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Sunny groans half-asleep.

"Going home."

"What happened last night?"

"We fell asleep."

"Oh," she sighs as she springs up.

"I noticed yesterday that you were... acting weird. But I'm hoping I'm your friend now. Friends tell each other what's bothering them, right?"

"When I'm ready, that is."

"Of course. Have a good day, Sun."

"Wait—" she starts as I swing one leg over the ledge. She comes over and gives me a slight hug. "Thank you. You really know how to comfort and make a girl laugh."

"Anytime. You know where to find me."


"God, where have you been?" Ozzie groans as I slip through the front door of the bungalow.

"With my new neighbor."

"Is this new neighbor a guy or a girl?" Dane asks curiously.

"A girl."

"I call her!"

"Fuck no, Dane. She's off limits."

"Fun sponge."

"Man whore," I retort, and he laughs. "This girl is different. She's messed up, man. And so, so secretive. I could barely figure out what her middle name was last night."

"Everyone has some type of guard up; some peoples are just harder to tear down than others," Ozzie chimes in.

"I just want to be her friend."

"Just... be careful, alright? And just... go slow, be gentle with her. She's obviously fragile."

"I mean, I wouldn't be gentle with her; I would give her the night of her life, but—" Dane starts to joke.

"God, sometimes I hate being friends with guys," Ozzie whispers to herself.

"You love us."

"Sometimes. So, what are we feeling today? Beach? Boardwalk?"

"Neither to be honest."

"Someone not sleep well last night?" Dane says sarcastically.

"Not really, actually. I slept over her house."

"What?" Luke gasps. "Bro, you didn't even let her move in before you slept with her?"

That gets another eye roll from Ozzie.

"I didn't sleep with her, chill the fuck out. I just physically slept next to her."

I'll admit, the shocked stares I get make me wonder if they think I'm a player who acts like a dick, too. I'm no saint; I've definitely made some poor choices in my life. Have I used some chicks? Yes. But did they know they were being used? Also, yes. It's not like I didn't get their consent or anything, and I was self-aware of my destructive behavior. I just wanted the pain to be gone after my dad left a year ago. You would think that after raising me for almost 17 years he wouldn't leave, but apparently he would've rather hang out with his secretary from the office over his wife and kid.

"Looks like the forecast is actually calling for rain," Dane tells us as he lays his head on Ozzie's lap. She kicks him off and sits closer to Luke. He wraps an arm around her shoulder, and she surprisingly doesn't shrug it off—something she would have done in the past. Yeah, you can't convince me they're not hooking up.

"I think I'm actually gonna head home."

"Why? To possibly spend time with the hot girl next door?" Ozzie teases with a wiggle of her eyebrows.

"No." All three of my best friends stare at me. "Maybe."

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