mia vs alexa

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i saw kat having tears. I WAS ALMOST IN TEARS TOO. i wanted to sit beside her but fucking ivan had to go sit beside her. i told the teacher that ivan stole my place but the teacher told me to shut up and go to a random ass seat. so i went..... we had to do exams today

i didnt study for it so i jsut cheated by looking at the smart kids exam XD XD XD

after 10 mins my dsicord kitten got caught and had to go in the hallway

so on purpose i got cuahtm ylsef too on purpose and got kicked frpoom the classroom too. now im with my discord kitten and this is the chance i can tell her how much i feel abt her but N000000000000000000 FUCKING GAL AND IVAN HAD TO INTERRUPT AND GOT KICKED FROM THE CLASSROOM TOO UGHH I WAS SO FUCKING MAD I WANTED TO FUCKING BEAT THEM UP. SLAUGHTER THEM. CUT THEML UP. FIUCKING KILL THEM. CHOKE THEM TILL THGEY FUCKING DIE OH MY GOD I WAS SO MAD I WAS TURNING RED AND I PUNCHED GAL IN THE FACE AND THEN MY DISCRODK ITTEN HAD A SCARED FACE SO I PROTECTED ER WIHT MY WHOLEL IFE RISKING IT. IVAN AND GAL TRIED TO BEAT ME UP BUT THEN THEY GOT SCARED AND WENT AWAY. i was so happy i thought i scared them away cause im strong big gorl but NO.. it was DUMBAES ALEXA WHO WAS WALKING IN THE HALLWAYS. mf acting so strong and mighty when shes scared of a frog.

Alexa said: "Bitch?! Whas going on here.. what you doing with my pupppy??" kat said: "OMg MASTER!8888 HII UWUU UWUU m_mmASTER.." i was like: WHAT THE FUCK BITCH THATS MY DISCORD KITTEN; Alexar eplied: "NO THATS MY FUCKING DISCORD PUPPY IDK WHAT YOU TALKIN G ABOUT, YOTU WANNA FIGVHT BITCH?" I said: "OJ BITCH MEET ME AFTER SCHOOL HOE ASS BITCH" ALEXA SAID: " OKAY BITCH YOU WANNA LSOE THAT BAD?? HAHEEAZUZEHUAZEUHAUHZ8EHUAZE8HYEZHEZAHAYHZEAYUAZEYAEY7EZAY8AZAZEYUAZE SO FUNNY OLOG XD" so it was after school 'u gh about time :roling:' and then me and alexa went to the rooftop. i said: "YO YOU READY TO LOSE?????" alexa sid: "YOU TALKING TO URSELF OR SUM??? HAHAHAAH" alexa laughed minyacilly psychopathicly it was crazy her throut died out, I staered to punch to her face and she punched me back. kicked her, she kciked me back, pucnhed her in the stomach, punched me back in the stomach, the fight was almost never gonna end. MY LVOELY SWEET LITTLE UWU DISCORD KITTEN SAW ME FIGHTIGN WITH ALEXA ON THE ROOFTOP AND THEN I ACIDNETALY PUNCHED HER IN THE STOMACH AND SHE FELL.

my discord kitten :3 (WARNIGN very sad :((((((((()Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora