Kat's Traumatic Backstory

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i screamed on top of my lungs: "WHAT." kat said cutefully: "umm..." "EXPLAIN" i said full of rage. and then kat explained to me everything: "ok... this is my story.. So: when i was 5 i had no parents, no grandparents, no family, i was all alone. I lived in Kacaskhploc village. Yes, the Kacaskhploc village, the village that was the most richest in the world. Everyone was shocked when they heard i lived in the Kacaskhploc village. They thought i was rich, like everyone else. Because everyone was rich there. But, no one knew there was an darkside of the village. There was the rich side and the poor side. No one talked about the poor side because it was barely talked about. Everyone was treated there like slaves. Everyone had to work there for the rich people. Whoever was disobeying the rich people, they were shot, or even slaughtered. I wasn't treated like a slave because i kept hiding for them, they never found me. But then when i was heading out to get food, i got caught by one of the rich people. "Huh, just some kid, kill it!" said the rich guy. They were aiming a gun on me. And this is where i thought, that my life would end.

I was hopeless. I didn't even care anymore. I felt no emotions. I was just glad that my life was gonna end. As soon as the rich guy was about to shoot me, someone was yelling and running at them. He knocked the rich guy out. Then he said: "Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere? I'll protect you." Then I saw hope. Yes, the one who knocked the rich guy out was no other than, Alexa. Alexa asked me: "What is your name?" I said happily: "Kat, name's Kat." Alexa laughed: "Hahahha! What a funny name you have there!" Alexa was teasing me. "STOP!!! It's not like i choosed my name!!" said I. "Sorry sorry! Shhh Kat, follow me, i'll lead you to my hideout" Alexa winked at me while she said that. I smiled widely. I had hope. Alexa led me to her hideout. Her hideout was in a mini cave. With leafs on the ground. Meat on the side. And some poles. 

Me and Alexa hanged out every single day. Hiding from the rich guys. Whenever I got caught, Alexa would always help me beat them up. Then one day Alexa said: "Hey Kat, do you wanna escape here one day? From this horrible village. We could escape. I heard that tomorrow travelers are coming here. We could steal their boat and get away! Isn't that an amazing idea?!" I paused for a few seconds. Thinking, if we could do it. And be free. "Alright Alexa, let's do this tomorrow. Let's pack our stuff. And get out of here." I said happily. Smiling at Alexa. Alexa smiled back. We were excited to get out of this dumbass village. We packed our stuff and went to sleep.


"Alright Kat, Let's go!" said Alexa. She seemed really happy about this. Well of course, me too. And so we waited for the traveler's boat to arrive. We waited, and waited. Finally after a few hours they arrived. They went out of the boat. When they weren't looking, we stole their boat and we sailed. We said: "YESSS!!! WE DID IT!!!" We were so happy, we were finally free. No more seeing everyday people getting shot, or mining, or working, or bad rich people. After a few days, we saw an island. A massive one. We stopped near the island and went in it. Me and Alexa were exploring the island. Then we saw some people. They seemed really nice. It was a woman and a man. Looked like a couple. The guy asked us: "Hey kids, where are your parents?" Me and Alexa looked down. We frowned. "W-we have no parents..." said Alexa sadly. I sighed. "Awh.. Did you guys sail alone?? That could be risky you know!" Said the woman. I responded: "Well.. yeah.."

The woman pointed towards me saying: "Cmon! You little girl, youre gonna live with me!" I said: "Huh?! Me?? But.." I was shocked. Why would she take me? I'm just a kid. The woman took me by my hand and we went away. Alexa yelled: "KAT!! NO!!" Alexa ran to me but the man stopped her. We were seperated. And we never saw eachother ever again.



I said: "Oh my god!! I'm so sorry!! I didn't know that happend to you Kat.. But that still doesn't answer my question. I thought you were my discord kitten why would you have sex with Alexa?!?! That was never mentioned in the story. Was everything that you just told me a lie??" I was shocked but at the same time confused. Why would she still have sex with Alexa? Weren't they seperated? Hm.. 

I said to Kat: "I'm going home. This still never explained to me why you and Alexa had sex." I went home. Ate dinner then went to sleep. I kept thinking and thinking all the time: "Why? Just why. She was supposed to be my discord kitten. But still, what a story." A tear dripped on my right eye.

my discord kitten :3 (WARNIGN very sad :((((((((()Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora