37. How do you sleep?

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Probably a big ol spoon. Doesn't care if your bigger or smaller, he wants to hold you rather than you hold him. He can stroke your hair (or head if your bald) if you let him.

Facing away from one another, but still holding each other's hands. Still not huge into physical affection, but still wants to be close to you, so, you agreed on holding hands.

Sleeping on one another, it varies. Both of you are also pretty messy sleepers, so even if you don't end up sleeping that way, you will find yourself waking up that way.

You face one another, and cuddle each other until you fall asleep. You both like to hold each other, and you don't like spooning, so, you make do by doing what I described.

He likes on you. Whether it be your chest, stomach, or thighs, doesn't matter to him. It makes him feel just slightly protected, because your so close by, and your warm, so-

"I'm a MINOR-"
Okay but seriously, ya'll don't sleep together in bed, obviously. You two live in separate houses. But. He will call you in the middle of the night, so it can feel like your there with him.

And if it's a sleepover, you can hold him hand while on the floor.

Similarly to Tommy, ya'll don't live or sleep together. You typically just fall asleep apart, but you do say goodnight to each other over text before doing so. It's the same when you sleep over, except you say goodnight instead of text it.

Funnily enough, he kinda prefers being the little spoon, or just being the one held. Sure, if you ask him too, he'll hold you, but he feels much more secure, safe, and loved when he's the one being held.

You flip into the bed, and fall asleep. There is no consistency. You fall asleep crazy, and you wake up crazy, and that's how it will be forever, but you do usually end up hand in hand.

Just like the other two minors, don't sleep together, or live together, but like Tommy, you two call each other, and fall asleep then. But on sleepovers, he'll let you fall asleep in his lap, and he'll pass out soon after.

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