Chapter one: Game Set Match!

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Two bangs was all Hinata heard before turning around to see a dark figure walking off holding a gun. Hinata ran towards the figure before stopping in horror, he saw his friend pinned to a tree with a knife through his hand. One gunshot to the head. Another to the chest.
Disclaimer time!!!! This story will be kinda gruesome and a lot of people will die it will also be a short story with like 3 ish chapters
"Hey! We have an idea!" Tanaka yelled while running across the gym with Noya. "What!!!!" Hinata yelled back. "Since Halloween is coming up soon, we thought." Tanaka took a dramatic pause, "Let's do a murder mystery!!" Tanaka and Noya said simultaneously. "No. No no no no no. That is a really BAD idea!" Daichi protested. "Oh come on Dai it will be fun! Please?" Suga pleaded with his boyfriend. "No. Sorry Sugar, but no." Daichi said sternly "Please?" Suga said while placing a kiss on Daichis cheek. "God damn it, you're way too cute. Fine." Daichi said hesitantly.
After everyone walked over to Tanaka and Noya, they started to explain the game. "We will put slips of paper in a bowl with rolls on them!" Tanaka stated. Noya picked up the instructions with "Then everyone will draw a roll! There will be 13 innocents and 1 murderer. Everyone works together to find out who it is. If no one figures it out, then the murderer will be announced on Halloween! Good luck!"
By the time Noya had finished explaining the rules Tanaka had grabbed a hat and put the rolls in it. Everyone came up one by one and picked a roll. "Scatter!" Tanaka yelled after everyone had picked rolls.
Hinata's POV:
Tanaka yelled "Scatter!" And everyone was off. I ran in a south east direction and went to Sakanoshita Market to get some food. I got a few meat buns and went on my way. I decided because this was going to be going on all day I should use the forest. I walked into the forest and found a little clearing. I sat down and ate my meat buns. I couldn't really enjoy them though, I was on high alert. Once I was done I got up and started walking back to Sakanoshita Market. I heard a few footsteps behind me and started running. Then I heard the familiar voice of Kageyama. He was shouting "Boke! Stop! I'm trying to catch up to you!" I kinda didn't trust him so I kept running, he kept shouting "Boke! Stop! Bo-" after he stopped talking I heard him groaning. I assumed he fell. Then I heard two bangs. They sounded like... Gunshots?
3rd Person POV:
Two bangs was all Hinata heard before turning around to see a dark figure walking off holding a gun. Hinata ran towards the figure before stopping in horror, he saw his friend pinned to a tree with a knife through his hand. One gunshot to the head. Another to the chest. "No. No no no no no! This can't be happening. Kageyama is not dead! There's no way! Baka! Get up!" Hinata screamed at his dead friend. Nearby Suga heard the screams and came towards them. At this point Hinata had taken Kageyama down from the tree and was cradling him like a child holding a baby. "Oh my god Hinata what happened!" Suga yelled. "Some one- they- gun- Kageyama!" Hinata tried to explain. "Hinata, I can't understand you." "SOMEONE SHOT KAGEYAMA! HE IS DEAD!" Hinata yelled at Suga before breaking down into a new round of painful sobbing.
Suga tried to comprehend the situation but couldn't quite wrap his head around it. "L-let's take him back to the gym we will call an ambulance and get this sorted out." As they were walking back to the gym someone came up behind them. "Sugar, why is there blood all over Hinata's shirt? And why is Kageyama on your back?" Daichi said, scaring both of the boys. "Geez Dai! You scared me." Suga said harshly. "Sugar? You okay? Have- have you been crying?" Daichi asked sympathetically. Daichi took Kageyama off of Suga back. "Don't touch him!" Hinata yelled with a hoarse voice. He quickly grabbed Kageyama out of Daichis hands and put Kageyama on his own back. "Why is he cold?" Daichi said. "We will explain on the way. Come on Hinata. We need to get Kageyama someplace safe. Let's go Dai." Suga said coldly.
The boys walked back to the Karasuno gym where an ambulance was called and Kageyama's body was taken away. Daichi called the rest of the Karasuno Team and explained that Kageyama was dead.

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