Keep moving forward

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Day by day I keep moving forward. I am in support of a "republic" no different than the last. Every day I shoot border crossers and imprison more to be tortured by the KGB. Every day I take up a post which harms my people. For what reason do I make them suffer so? Why am I to aid and abet the very nation which suppresses my people?

Something must be done.

"...jojo, jojo! Sheiße... JOJO!"
"JA! What do you want Yorki!?"
"We're shipping out in 5, so get your ass in gear!"

Drop of a hat, I remembered. Today we investigate suspicious behavior in an old factory. I grab my PPSH-41 "submachine gun", although with the 71 round drum magazine, it's more like an MG. On my way outside, I see my squad of 9 waiting for me to join them, making 10. I am joined by a squad leader, carrying an AKM, 2 more men carrying PPSH's, 5 men including Yorki with AKM's, and our squad's commissar, the squad's propagandist, carrying a Makarov PM.

"Grenztruppen, move!"


We get out of our truck, and stand to attention in a line, or at least eight of us. The squad leader stands opposite us standing to attention. The commissar begins his speech.

"Grenztruppen, defenders of the German workers' party, I call upon you today to plug a hole in our great Democratic Republic! May we today stamp out any capitalist resistance and solidify this union!"

"URA!" We respond.

And at a moment's notice, we move. We spread out over the street to be less vulnerable to attacks of any kind.

Then, all of a sudden the door of the building opens.

And out comes a true relic of the war, the pride of Hitler's army.

The MG42.

I now understand why the Americans called it "Hitler's Buzzsaw", because it just took my commissar's head off.

We all take cover behind cars and in alleyways. In one, I stand with Yorki, the rest of my squad spread out in front of us.

For whatever reason, in this moment of exhilarating combat, with bullets flying everywhere, I think of all the German men women and children I have shot, of all of the families I have hurt. The deep hatred of my Hitler Youth training is rejuvenated and I know what I have to do.

I spare Yorki, my childhood friend, by butting my stock into his head, knocking him out cold. Without delay, I level my weapon, glad it has such a high capacity. God knows I need it. I open fire on my own squad killing them all in seconds. I take off my white undershirt and wave it, signifying surrender. The gunfire ceases.

I drag Yorki into the building to find revolutionaries and resistance members. I say "I feel remorse for the suffering I have caused my people and now wish to help them! Please take care of my only friend, and get him to safety!"

For a moment there is silence. They all look to their leader, who simply nods understandingly, which I kindly return.

Knowing I have little time before word of my actions gets out, I set out for my home where I had lived all my life, where my mother raised me alone, and where she saved a Jew. I realized it would be my last time there, but it hadn't quite hit me yet.

I rush inside.

"Jojo, what... I thought you were..."

"Elsa, there's no time to explain, we need to leave, you need to come with me Elsa, it's the only way."

She doesn't understand why, but follows me anyway, trusting me with her very life.

We finally arrive at the house which is still held by the revolutionaries.

"Where is my friend?" I ask their leader.
He simply points to the back door. I burst through, holding Elsa's hand, pulling her behind me.

The floor has a gaping hole in it. A tunnel to the west! Could that be why they were holding this building with all they had? Without thinking we rushed in, hurrying to freedom.

We emerged from the tunnel into an alien world. Not knowing what to do next, i looked at Elsa and asked her, "Elsa, do you trust me?"

She stared into my soul with hints of tears in her eyes and said, "Jojo, I've trusted you since I met you."

Time seemed to slow. She threw her arms around my neck and moved towards me. She leaned forward and crashed her lips onto mine.

Everything hit me at once.

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