The attack of mattel and season 25 the reboot Jonathan's unfortunate demise

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Man: the security cameras from the scrap yard shown a black tender engine with some empty coaches going to the scrap yards to diesel 10, Arry, Bart, splatter and Dodge there they were making a plan they said that tomorrow they were going to take down Mattel and his reboot ones and for all Jonathan said that they need to look for more survivors to take down the reboot unfortunately they didn't know about Mattel and reboot Thomas and reboot Percy at the scrap yards and started to attack Mattel went after diesel 10 and the two all engines go reboot character both went after the others Arry, Bart, splatter and Dodge were horrified to see them two of them went one and the other two went the other two were stopped by reboot Percy and ripped both of them in half oil and blood 🩸 was everywhere reboot Thomas ran into the other two killing them instantly diesel 10 put up a fight with the owner he called him a cheapskate, stupid old man and much more but Mattel got the upper hand he torn of the claw and he went as far more then way too far and much more then way too fast blood parts and oil was everywhere when Mattel stabbed diesel 10 with his own claw Mattel then went after the last engine at the scrap yards Jonathan and that when the static happened and we could not see them anymore we only Heard screaming the splatter of blood and evil laughing when the static was over we saw Jonathan with two holes where his eyes used to be and a hole in his for head Mattel and his reboot Servants and they went off.

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