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It was cold outside in The Land of Ishness. The leaves just finished changing colors for the fall season. It was just cold enough to see the smoke from your breath but too cold for the heavy coats.

Munk was working on gathering firewood for the upcoming winter, dancing as he picked up each log. He was in such a great mood, his heart was full and he had a spring in his step. Ella was visiting from the human world for the first time. Munk was over the moon, his feelings for her grew more with every passing moment. Nothing could ruin the mood he was in, well almost nothing. DZ stood up against a tree watching as Munk got closer. So what are your intentions with that human he asked with a wicked smile? None of your business Munk returned with an annoyed look. Oh, come on DZ scuffed you know you're too scared to do anything with that girl. You may have those toys in your closet but you have no intentions of ever using them. You don't know that, I'll go in there right now and use them. Fine go then, show me DZ demanded. Suddenly from behind the tree, someone shouted HOLD IT! It was Ish, he had a very pissed-off look on his face. DZ you know better than that, we don't peer pressure, anyone, into doing something. Munk has kinks just like the rest of us and when he is ready he will experience them. Plus like he said it is none of your business what he does with his girlfriend. DZ gave out a small growl as he disappeared into the woods. Thank you, Ish for saying that Munk told him with a smile. Anytime Munk, don't let DZ get to you like that. I know I shouldn't but he does have a way of getting under your skin. He is such a cocky bastard, but he does know how to handle the ladies. So if I do need some advice I know where I can get it Munk said with an annoyed look on his face. I have to agree with that Ish laughed. Now back to work Munk, the firewood isn't going to collect itself.

Deep in the tunnels in Munks' room, Ella was woken from her nap after her very hot dream knocked her out of the bed onto the floor. Pissed that it was a dream she couldn't help but want to make it a reality. She put on her shoes and set out to find Munk.

Walking down the dark tunnels with the dream echoing through her thoughts, she began to walk faster. Before she could reach the entrance, a tall skeleton-like figure stopped her. So you're Ella, DZ said with a deep dark voice. Surprised by him and his muscular appearance, she couldn't help feel a tremble go through her. Where are you going he asked with a smirk. You don't want to get lost in the tunnels, there are a lot of dark corners. Watching him as he talked put her in a trance, she couldn't take her eyes off of him. Clapping his hands close to her face, DZ brought her back. Who are you Ella asked confused? Wolf boy didn't tell you about me, I'm DZ. DZ she said surprisingly, your the one that Munk said was a dick right she asked with a snicker. Oh so you have heard of me then, yeah I can be at times. Now back to what I asked you, where are you going he growled. I was looking for Munk I need to talk to him, have you seen him by chance. Sure I've seen him, what do I get for telling you where you can find him he asked with a devious grin. I'm not sure what you want but I would appreciate it if you told me. Hmmm, how about a small bite on your neck, that would be satisfying. Are you serious Ella said with a harsh tone, why would you think I would ever agree to that, I'll just look for him myself thank you. Before she could take a step DZ wrapped his hand around her throat. Now look little girl don't get your panties in a twist, it's not smart to get bratty with me. See when it comes to me I know how to play and please my prey, as for Munk he wouldn't know where to start. Able to speak Ella said simply how would you know what he can do, don't underestimate him, he may surprise you. Hmmm, we shall see DZ huffed as he released her, when he disappoints you come find me, I'll show you how it is done. She watched him as he walked down the dark tunnel, for a moment she pictured in her head what that would have been like but quickly shook her head to erase the image. I need to find Munk she told herself as she headed for the entrance.

Outside Ella looked everywhere for Munk, she didn't want to go far and get lost. Coming around a big tree she noticed a man standing close to a fire. Is he a human like me she asked herself as she walked closer? She couldn't help but get mesmerized by him, he had this aura about him that drew you in. Hello, she said nervously, who are you she asked while clenching her hands together. Oh hello he returned, you must be Ella, my name is Ish. Your Ish, you're a human like me. The last time I checked yes he said laughing. I'm sorry I just thought you may be like the others here. No, I am just another human but I do have certain abilities since this is my world. Ella loved how calming he was and his eyes were deep and peaceful. It felt like he could see into her soul with them. Are you ok he asked concerned? Oh, I'm fine sorry, I'm looking for Munk would you by chance know where I can find him. Yes, he is gathering firewood for the upcoming winter. You should be able to find him down that way. Thank you so much, it was very nice to meet you Ish. It was nice to finally meet you as well. Looking back one last time, Ella pictured Ish in her head just like DZ, she shook her head again, what is this place doing to me she wondered.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2022 ⏰

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