Chapter 3 Drink to the Past

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In the early morning, before the sun had even risen beyond the horizon, the gentle humming of the stove was accompanied by that of a woman humming a light tune underneath her breath. 

It was like any other day in the Yoo Estate. That morning, the inhabitants of the estate were fast asleep, snuggled up under the luxuriously soft duvets that shifted with them in their sleep, like silk against silk. The only exception?

Yoon Jin Ah.

While the rest of the family slumbered on, Jin Ah was already bent over the stove, stirring the soup bubbling in the heated pot. Holding a spoon up to her mouth, Jin Ah blew gently at the piping hot liquid before she took a sip. Her eyes sparkled when she tasted the soup for the thousandth time that morning.


She finally got it right.

Sighing with relief, Jin Ah continued to busy herself with the bowls, her slippers shuffling in the kitchen as she got to work.

With the speed she was moving at, it wasn't surprising that the soles of Jin Ah's slippers were more often than not, extremely worn. Apart from the fact that she couldn't bear to change them often, the fact that she was always on the move around the Yoo Estate certainly explained the state of her slippers.

Every single pair of slippers Jin Ah has ever owed was well-loved, just like the apron she hung back on the rack in the kitchen after she had plated the soup for her sister-in-law. Those little things were telling of the sacrifices she had made for her family, sacrifices that were borne out of love.

Even during her worst days, Jin Ah would often tell herself that loving Jin Woo was enough to put herself through hell, and she rarely ever regretted the choices that she made. She chose this life and, in every way possible, she sought for the little joys in her daily life, even if it was difficult at times. As long as her husband and their daughter were happy, she was content too.

That morning, her little joy was that satisfaction stirring in her chest when she finally perfected another recipe. Taking slow, tentative steps up the stairs, her morning walk to Min Ji's bedroom took on the appearance of a balancing act as it always was when it came to soup.

In the expert hands of the good wife, none of the contents spilt out of the bowl, sending another rush of delight into Jin Ah's heart as she knocked on the door.

Letting herself in, Jin Ah placed the bowl on Min Ji's table just as she sat up while stretching her limbs languidly.

"Eonnie." Min Ji greeted her with a yawn, rubbing her eyes like a sleepy child.

"Min Ji-ah, I brought some soup for you. Have it while it is hot." Jin Ah smiled softly at the younger woman.

To many people, Min Ji acted like every bit of a spoiled brat that was stereotypical of a rich family's princess. But Jin Ah grew to care for Min Ji like a younger sister too. If anything, Min Ji's untamed innocence was extremely endearing and unique to her. By instinct, Jin Ah became rather protective of the younger Yoo member too.

"Gamsahamnida, eonnie!" Min Ji slipped off the bed and plonked down gracefully in the chair.

Humming happily, Min Ji took a bite of the soup, letting the warmth blossom comfortingly in her chest as her body slowly stirred from its boneless state.

Without another word, Jin Ah respectfully left the Yoo princess to enjoy her soup in peace.

Holding the tray against her chest, Jin Ah was momentarily reminded of her master's days where she would hug her textbooks close to her chest after a long night of cramming for her examinations in the library. Except, the tray wasn't nearly as heavy as those books.

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