Chapter 7 Fragile

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Warning: Sensitive material ahead, do proceed with caution and skip the *** if needed!

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Dawn came with its sunlit crown just as the darkness surrendered and faded into the morning sky.

The ribbons of dusty pink and champagne yellow did their last dance amidst the growing sun before they took a bow and left center stage where the star of the morning took over with its brilliant flame.

Right then, the first ray of sunlight slipped past the binds of a bedroom, only to rest on the silhouette of a woman resting next to a man. So beautiful was she that where the sunlight touched her curves, they glowed softly, as though God was blessing her gentle figure and reminding the world of the beauty of his creation.

In every way possible, the man lying next to her surely needed such a reminder.

Jin Woo must have been up for a good twenty minutes now, having been woken by the alluring sunlight. With that said, what truly charmed him wasn't nature's easel but rather, his beautiful wife.

Drinking in the sight of his beautiful Jin Ah, Jin Woo truly didn't feel the passing of time as he admired every gentle rise and fall of her shoulders as she breathed through her deep slumber.

Slowly, his eyes trailed past her milky white shoulders to rest on her hands that were tucked under her right cheek like a little child. Her rosy-pink lips parted innocently, reminding him of the first time they had shared a kiss at the bar in New York.

Has it truly been ten years since they shared their first kiss?

Where has all the time gone?

Truthfully, Jin Woo didn't have the answer to any of that but that didn't mean he didn't notice the little things as he watched over her rest.

The little things like the tiny creases in between Jin Ah's eyebrows even as she slumbered on.

The little things like the never-fading thin, white lines on her fingers.

The little things like her tousled locks of hair that seem to be in perpetual disarray.

It made him wonder...

How on earth has he missed out on all these signs pointing towards Jin Ah's unhappiness?

His heart ached for her. Even if he was at fault, his heart ached greatly for the pain Jin Ah went through because of him and his family.

But no longer.

After they had arrived home from the beach, Jin Woo and Jin Ah decided to end the night with a bottle of soju and a bowl of ramyeon. Neither of them had expected the night to progress further than that, for Jin Woo was more concerned that Jin Ah would be too tired from their day.

But still, they had tumbled towards the bed together where their bodies met in a heated rush – a rush that was so foreign yet familiar.

It felt nice.

It had been a while, but it felt very nice.

When their eyes met in that dark room, neither of them could comprehend anything apart from their lover. It surprised them both that after all these years, their mutual desire for each other still reigned strong in their hearts and their veins.

It was dizzying and electrifying the way the dormant flame between them burned with such renewed passion.

Soon, clothes were peeled off and left in a disarray on the floor of their bedroom where their bodies finally met bare and wholly untainted in a skin-to-skin embrace beneath that moonless night.

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