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*Years later*

'P-please pl-EASE' screams down the dark ally way no one could here the screams even if someone did no one came to help
' WHAT DO U WANT F-ROM M-Eee' says the man
In the alleyway leaning against the wall with stabs all over him desperately tryn to get away from the figure
'I just want some information-' says the figure in the shadows 'you think you can give me that' says the figure sharply
Last thing the man sees is one red glowing eye

'So you got a crush on this author?'
'HIDE' says a girl with messy green hair but in a bun wearing glasses age 19
'I don't have a crush on himmm,he's never even shown his face before'
'Whats his name again?

"Ken kaneki" says the green haired girl with abit of red on her cheeks

"Damn eto you got it hard, what's next you trying to break into his house" says the sunshine boy called hide "how old is he anyways"

"Why you want to- actually don't want to know he's 25"

"OHHHH going after the older men I see~" says hide hitting etos leg under the table with a smirk

" N-not like that hide!"

"Chilll eto you know I'm joking" says the sunshine boy
"I know I know but you know it's not like that i just love his work he's so good at showing different emotions in his writing" the green haired girl started to ramble about her favourite author

"Okkkkkk well I got to go have to meet up with someone from school to help them out" says hide standing up

"But we only been here for 20 minutes leaving so soon?"
"Yeah i only come here to see the hot waitress" hide says with a cheeky grin while eto gives him an deeppanned look

Just then the waitress walks past there table
"damnnnnn she's soo cute maybe I can get her numberrr"
"Hide don't you have to be somewhere" 

"OH SHOOT gotta go bye etoooooo
Bye toukaaa" hide says in a rush running to the door but ofcause not before smirking at touka

"Pervert" mumbles the green haired girl opening the new novel by ken kaneki
And is instantly sucked into the book

Few minutes later eto hears someone come through the door but doesn't look but

Few minutes later while reading from the corner of etos eye she sees someone reading something so familiar
When she looks up though she sees an very attractive woman wearing an simple white dress and beautiful long purple hair and purple glasses
But her looks wasn't the thing eto was looking at
It was what she was reading

The woman was reading the new ken kaneki book
The exact one eto was reading
Before eto realised she was staring at the purple haired girl for abit too long

The purple haired girls eyes shift up staring right into etos dark green eyes
And all she does is smile
I very nice sincere smile
She then looks at etos book and stands up
Walking over to eto

'Wait what she's coming over here ok act cool and be nice don't act like a creep' eto says in her brain while the purple haired girl walked over to her table

"Can I sit?" Says the woman with a beautiful soft pure voice

The purple woman nods and sits where hide was originally

And for a few minutes there is some awkward silence
"Um my name is eto takatsuki,but my friends just call me eto"
Eto decides to start an conversation first hoping she didn't stutter

The beautiful purple haired girl just smiles and says

"my name is rize kamishiro"


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