The start of you & I

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Chapter One

Hi I'm y/n y/l/n, Today Im going to meet some of the most hottest and powerful people on the planet it's all thanks to my dear friend Peter Parker. See here's the thing my and Peter have been friends since kindergarten, actually to correct that we became friends in kindergarten but at first we did not like the the idea of being friends. Or at least I didn't. ✌︎

It all started on the 10th of August year 2006 It was my 5th birthday and the fourth day of kinder. I was so happy to pass out my cupcakes for the whole class until the most unexpected thing happened. This other kid named Peter Benjamin Parker who sat right in front of me just so happened to be born the same day. And by the love of Thor had the same idea to bring cupcakes for the class. The worst part about it all was that he brought chocolate and I just brought basic vanilla. Not that it's a bad thing I love vanilla cupcakes but not everyone likes those more than the chocolate kind. :(

I swear it was like he did it on purpose but I let it slide since it was only gonna be a one day thing right? Wrong so wrong, the very next day at recess they had the tricycles out and this kid had the audacity to crash into my bike. Like child if your gonna crash into someone let it be that bitchy ass girl Miranda. Hopefully the crash would take her out with that ugly ass dress she had on. :)

And over time he would just be better at everything than me. It was like he was some kind of super human or something. But no matter how hard I tried I could never be better than him at anything. :(

The day was now Tuesday November 21st and thanksgiving was just around the corner. Queens NY was hosting the Maze the Race contest and this year I was finally old enough to compete. Maze the Race is a contest where there are winners from all age groups from 5 to 18. But the have multiple winners per age group because we all know it wouldn't be fair if an 5 year old was racing and 18 year old.

So pretty much the racing part is seeing who can find there way out of the maze first. I have been preparing all year I was sure to win right? I mean like I have been creating strategies, plans, and I have been learning everything there is to know about mazes. Or at least that was until he showed up the one and only Peter Parker.

The one kid my age who I was convinced was a super human. There was just no way I was going to let him out of all people win this race. Not that I would want anyone other than me to win anyway. :)

As I was getting my bike ready I noticed him making his way over where I was. Why was he coming over here like are you trying to come mess with my mind so I back out of the race or something? I mean if I was him I would be intimidated by me to he know that out of all people I'm the only one his age smart enough to even come close to him. Especially, When it comes to things like racing that involve a strategy.

As he comes close to where I was cleaning up my bike ready to hear him say something to get inside my head.

He just waves to me while smiling. Omg I've never felt so stupid before in my life why did I say that I was so smart. He littertly just came over here to get he bike (tricycle) ready for the race. :/

I swear to Thor I've never felt so guilty in my life why would I just assume something like that. But being the person I am I did way waves back putting on smile. Because if there is anything I learned from reading books. It's you got to be friendly with the people your going up against it just makes it easier for you to beat them at their own game. Which looking back on it kinda sounds evil coming from a five year old. Doesn't it? :|

But from what felt like forever thinking to myself in my head I pull my self back the reality. Looking around before the race begins I my place at the starting line.

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