Battles for Another Time

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How can a class be taught by the Big Bad Wolf? I guess I'm about to find out. All my classmates and I are seated and waiting for class to start. Some are engaged in little side conversations that I can hear pieces of.

A pixie sitting close to me asks a group of pixies next to her, "Does anyone else want to get their nails done today? I just feel like I need a new shade, ya know?"


One goblin sitting a few rows ahead of me turns to a short pirate and says, "After class today, do you and your roommate want to practice sword fighting with Irvin and I again?"

"I'll try," the pirate response, "but my roommate won't be able to make it this time. He just got solitary confinement for a month for trying to sneak out!"

Holy gingerbread! Solitary confinement for a month? That's harsh. I'm going to have to be very careful when I make my plans to escape.

"That might not be fair," the goblin states. "Irvin and I versus just you."

The pirate smiles a maniac smile. "I could take you both."

"Good morning, class," A wolfman says while walking in the door. So that's the wolfman! He doesn't look as scary as I thought he would.

"Good morning, Professor Wolfington," the entire class says in unison. Okay, I guess this is just life now. Taking history lessons from a wolf. Because that's not weird...


Students in the hallways are going absolutely crazy! Just because of a little evacuation drill we are having. There is no reason for everyone to be losing their heads! Now everyone is trying to get to their assigned stations, but I don't know what mine is. It was probably listed in the welcome packet that I didn't read... but Tara did. She read mine for some reason.

I begin looking frantically through the crowd of running and screaming kids for my roommate. She wasn't in Wolfington's class, I don't have any classes with her actually (thank goodness), and I don't know what class she was in so she would be hard to find.

Fiddlesticks. I could really use her help right now. If only there was someone who would just be waiting for me around the corner and willing to help me!

But there's not.

Thankfully, I eventually found Maxine again in all the crazy and she helped find me my station. She also explained to me that drills aren't always drills. Sometimes, real villains break into the school! Apparently last time there was a drill, someone thought Gottie had gotten onto school grounds. Gottie, as in Rapunzel's captor! As in a major villain that we definitely do not want at our school.

A few brass rings cling together in my pocket so I slide my hand in so they stop making noise. I snagged a few in all the panic as people were evacuating. I bet my family needs these rings more than this school does.


What was that? All the kids waiting in the garden turn back to the school to see what this strange noise is.


There it is again! It seems very distant but very noticeable. I wish I could see what was going on in there. The entire garden has become completely quiet as we try to hear the sound again. But we don't. It's over now. That was weird. A few gnomes and ogres around me burst into tears, probably in fear that the noise meant danger. But I doubt it did.

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