Part 3

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~Will's point~

I shot up in a cold sweat after dreaming about the war in Manhattan. I slowly got up and walked out of my room. As I walked out a saw a small amount of light coming from Leo's room. I walked over a softly knocked on the door.

"Leo, You up?" I whispered

"Yeah" Leo whispered back

"Can I come in?" I asked.

"Yeah" Leo answered.
I opened the door and saw Leo sitting on the side of his bed looking down at the floor.

"Bad dream?" I asked. Leo didn't say anything but he nodded yes.

"I was just going to make myself a glass of warm milk. Did you want some?" I asked

"Sure" Leo said giving me a small smile and standing up.
As Leo walked towards me I saw a dark shadow outside his window. It didn't have eyes but I knew it was looking right at me. It waved at me.

"Um...Leo?" I asked pointing at his window but when he turned around it was gone.

"What?" He asked.

"Nothing, probably just my imagination" I said shaking my head.
Leo closed his door as we walked out leaving us in darkness. We walked to the edge of the hallway. I could barely see but I saw well enough to see a large dark figure come right at me I screamed and punched it.
The hall light turned on and I saw Frank looking at my fist still out stretched and on his chest with confusion. I didn't even hurt him. He then looked at me with concern before looking behind me and jumping back.
I screamed for the second time when a hand grabbed my shoulder.

"Will, it's okay. It's just me" Nico said and I whipped around and threw my arms around his waist and hugged him close. Then I heard Percy and Jason run out of their rooms

"What's wrong?!" Jason hollered

"What happened?!" Percy hollered

"Sorry, I think I scared Will when I walked to the hall and then when I saw Nico appear behind him" Frank said

"Why were you out here in the dark?" Leo asked

"I didn't want to risk waking anyone"

"Will, your hugging me a little to tightly. I can't breathe" Nico said and I let go.

"Sorry....I just get startled, I didn't mean to wake everyone up" I said.

"Your fine" Jason said

"I was going to make some warm milk for Leo and myself how about I make some for everyone?" I asked and for a moment Nico almost looked jealous.

"Sure" Percy turning his sword back into a pen and putting it in his pocket and Jason also put his weapon away.

We all walked to the kitchen and I got a pot out and filled it with milk after putting it on low heat on the stovetop. When the milk was warn I filled a mug for everyone and handed them out.

"So why were you coming out to make milk in the first place?" Jason asked

"......having a warm drink helps you go back to sleep, that and soft music but I didn't want to wake anyone.....sorry that I ended  up waking you all anyway" I said. I stared at the living room window for a moment expecting to see the same figure but nothing was there. Nico seemed to be the only one who noticed.
After we were all done everyone headed back to their rooms.
I stop at the whiteboard and picked up the yellow marker and wrote
All bad dreams are treated with a warm drink. I then added a smiley face at the end.
I walked back to my room but my hand froze on the door handle as I thought back to Leo's window.

"Are you going to be able to sleep now?" Nico asked from behind me and I may have jumped a little.

"I can try" I said turning to look at him. I looked back at my door for a moment before turning back to look at him

"C-Could you come in for a moment?" I asked

"Of course" Nico said.

We walked into my room. Unfortunately I had picked the room with the most windows. I looked out all 3 of them before taking a deep sigh.

"Will? Did something happen?" Nico asked

"I-I thought I saw something standing outside Leo's window earlier....I-It waved at me" I said.
Nico walked up to me and cupped my face in his hands

"Look, I will never allow anything into this house. Your safe with me here. I am the son of Hades after all" He said

"Thank you, your right" I said

"Let's get you back to sleep ok?
I nodded and Nico walked me over to my bed and even tucked me in.

"I have my very own Angle to watch over me" I said smiling

"Your such a dork" Nico said with a small laugh. Then he brushed a lock of hair out of my face and began to softly and quietly sing. I may not have understood what he was singing because it was in Italian but it was comforting and I started to drift off to sleep. Right before I fell completely asleep I heard Nico speak.

"You are not to touch Will, that's a order"
Then I fell into a luckily dreamless sleep

Not going to lie, it was hard to write this right after watching a scary movie

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