Bokuto | emo mode avoided successfully

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context: (based on previous "a setter for his emo mode" chapter) you are a third-year setter for the Fukurodani girls volleyball club. you became friends with the boys volleyball club members after playing with them once and setting for bokuto. you and bokuto became close friends after that. he even persuaded the coach to let you be an assistant coach for their training.

y/n - your name ; l/n - last name

As a coaching assistant for the Fukurodani boys volleyball club, you and the two other managers were in charge of making sure the gym was tidy after training. The boys, despite having played for two hours already, were always eager to stay longer, so you guys would let them. Yukie and Suzumeda would go home after half an hour or so, but you always stayed till the end. You loved watching the boys have fun, and occasionally, they let you play, too.

The boys would split themselves into two teams and play matches against each other. Usually Bokuto and Akaashi would be on the same team, and so the other team would get wrecked. The rest of the team complained, but what could they do about it? The captain and vice-captain were allowed to do as they wished.

"L/N-san!" Akaashi called your name from across the court.

"Yes?" You called back.

He walked towards you, beckoning towards his teammates. "I want to work with Konoha today. You can set for Bokuto."

That surprised you. You glanced over at Bokuto, who hadn't heard anything and was busy slapping Sarukui on the back (for whatever reason, who knows).

"You sure he's alright with that?"

Akaashi shrugged. "Whatever."

You stifled a laugh. Akaashi's attitude was so funny to you. You didn't know why. Dry humour, maybe.

"Okay then. But if he goes into emo mode, that's on you."

"Sure." Akaashi shrugged. "Would you mind calling them over? Let's start the game before Sarukui's spine breaks."

You jogged over to the group of tall guys and beckoned them over to the court. As they begun splitting into teams, Bokuto instinctively went to join Akaashi.

"Bokuto, you're on the other side."

"WHAT?" Bokuto yelled, his arms flung out in surprise. "But Akaashi!"

"L/N-san will set for you. I want to work with Konoha today." From behind Akaashi, Konoha flashed a thumbs up at Bokuto.

"Hmph," Bokuto pouted, folding his arms across his chest. "Okay Konoha, you can take Akaashi for today. L/N and I will beat you guys just fine. Right L/N?" He glanced at you with sparkling eyes.

"Right!" You replied, smiling at him.

"If we beat you, you're buying both of us meat buns." Bokuto said, pointing at Akaashi.

"Bokuto-san, this isn't a competition." Akaashi said flatly.


"START THE DAMN GAME." Komi screeched and everyone ran to their positions.

The game started and went smoothly. The teams were surprisingly evenly matched for once, and you couldn't help but wonder if it's because you're dragging Bokuto's potential down with you.

"Psst, hey hey, L/N!" Bokuto whispered, tugging your elbow.

"What's up? Is my setting okay?" You immediately asked.

"You're setting is good but it's too predictable. Your balls are high so you give the blockers too much time to move. Can you try this? I'll be on the left side but not outside, closer to the middle, and I want you to toss it to me just a bit lower, but also faster. I'll hit a straight so that the blockers can't get it."

You listened to his explanation and a visual ran through your head. Where you would set the ball, the trajectory of the toss, and what Bokuto was planning to do. It made sense. Worth a shot.

"Alright. Let's try."

You guys got ready for the oncoming ball, and after the first receive, you quickly reminded yourself of Bokuto's instructions.

Your fingers touched the ball and pushed it out towards the front-left side of the court, and Bokuto was beginning his run up. The ball was lower than usual and moved faster. You were worried that he wasn't going to make it, but then you watched as his two quick strides brought him right up to the ball, and in one swift movement, he spiked the ball over.

Your team watched as the ball flew over the heads of the opponent's back row defenders, smacking straight into the wall at the other end of the court. He hit the ball out of the court.

"I'm sorry-" you instinctively began, thinking that the fault was in your set.

"NOOOO!" Bokuto howled, clutching his head. He turned towards you, looking both horrified and dejected and angry at the same time. "L/N! THAT WAS SO PERFECT! YOUR TOSS WAS PERFECT! BUT I WASTED IT! I'm so sorry, I was the one that told you to do this but I messed up so bad- you know what, I'll just play it safe next time so I don't waste your sets again."

"No no no!" You immediately rushed up to him, grabbing his arms so he'll look at you. "Keep doing what you're doing! It was good! This is just us having fun anyways, and the whole point of it is to improve, right? I'll keep setting to you like this, and you just keep hitting. We'll keep going until we get at least one perfect try. Okay?"

A smile appeared on Bokuto's face, and he rested a large palm onto your head, patting it a few times. "Okay! Thanks, L/N."

"Of course, no problem. Let's go again!"

As you walked along the net back to your position, Akaashi tapped your arm.

"Nice job. He was about to go into emo mode but you pulled him right out of it."

"Really?" You hadn't noticed his emo mode coming out.

"Yeah. But be careful, if he messes up another one, you guys are pretty screwed."

You sighed. "I know. Fingers crossed."

☀️ - for the rest of the game, bokuto stayed his happy energetic self, not once falling into emo mode. you guys managed to pull off the play he mentioned, and bokuto was even happier with himself.

🥟 - the game was tight but your team won in the end. bokuto wouldn't stop pestering akaashi and you felt kinda bad for the poor vice captain. surprisingly akaashi agreed to buying you guys meat buns and he seemed happy about it, so you accepted.

🦉 - after this session, you gained a better grasp of how to help bokuto avoid his emo mode. trainings became much smoother whenever you were present, because you could handle him almost as well as akaashi. the cold akaashi also seemed happier to see you nowadays, and you guys grew close.

🙈 - yep and the girls were all quite jealous of your close ties with the boys volleyball club.

A/N : what a random chapter. anyways. next chapter won't be volleyball. unless you guys actually enjoy these volleyball chapters. idk.

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