Mending Bonds

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Recommendation - Listen to 'Still with you' while reading this.

Continued from Broken Screens

It had been three days since the screen breaking incident. Haneul had stopped talking to Jungkook and was giving him the cold shoulder treatment, despite his numerous attempts to make up for what he did. 

The other members were really upset at Jungkook but they did wish that Haneul would forgive him. Yoongi, however had gone for a four days long vacation and was due to return today. He had not been told anything about what happened because-

1. He is really passionate about music.

2. He is really looking forward to Haneul's mixtape.

3. He is really protective over Haneul.

Thus, the boys thought that it would be better to keep Yoongi in the dark for the time being. 

Jungkook, today, was dead set on making Haneul talk to him again. He had planned a little surprise for Haneul. He didn't know if it would be enough to make up for what he had done, but it was worth the try.

Haneul's P.O.V.

Haneul was in the dance practice room, trying to improve on the choreography when she got a call from the dorm landline. The moment she picked it up, she regretted doing so- It was none other that Jeon Jungkook. She was about to cut the call, but then she heard his panic-stricken voice.

'Haneul, come quick.'

'What happened?'

'I don't have time to say anything!'

'Tell me what's wro-

Call Ended.

Haneul didn't know what to think. She quickly got hold of her belongings and hurried home. 

She reached after half an hour and burst into their living room. What she saw bought tears into her eyes. The room was decorated with her pictures hanging from fairy lights. She went closer to examine each picture. She realized that all these pictures were polaroids clicked by Jungkook. 

Suddenly, Haneul heard someone singing in the background. She turned around to see an adorable human bunny holding on to a purple mic, singing 'still with you'. Haneul looked into the latter's eyes with pure affection. She forgot whatever that had happened between them and enveloped him into a big hug. 

'Haneul I am really sorry.'

'Don't. Its ok now.'

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