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"Magic is not a practice

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"Magic is not a practice. It is a living, breathing web of energy that, with our permission, can encase every action" -Dorothy Morrison

Estella Marie Charlton was different. Now it's up to you if it's in a good or bad way. Some might say she's lovely but some might say she is weird. She being the only girl born after 5 generations was loved by her parents. Some might say she's pampered and is a spoiled brat but she was nothing like that. She was different. She was caring, brave, kind and an optimist. She, unlike others, went outside and observed everything. From little specks on flowers to the chameleon changing its colors. When others found the History teacher's ranting boring, she loved it. She was fascinated by the topics taught to her. She always thought that the topics had some deep meaning to them.

The universe fascinated her. She found it intriguing. She was amazed by those little sparks of light. Estella did not have many friends due to her sudden outbursts. Therefore, her only friends were the stars. She found her solace in them; they were her safe haven. The stars, or as she liked to call them as the 'Writers of our destinies' were the only ones who listened to her ranting about anything and everything. She thought that they were the most powerful entities in the entire universe. Estella believed that there were two types of people in life- those who follow their destinies and those who write their own destinies. Estella wanted to write her own destiny. She was tired and bored of her life. She was tired of people looking at her as if she was mad. She wanted an escape from her life. Estella wanted something enchanting, something beyond her imagination something like- Magic.


Celeste Ara Charlton(née Black) was broken. The events of that night haunted her. She looked happy but was shattered from inside. That night's events still affected her, after all, she lost her best friends and was separated from her firstborn. The scar on her left wrist reminded her that she couldn't fight Voldermort, that she was weak. Celeste and her husband were completely broken but healed each other together. She had sworn that she would protect her daughter from the horrors of the world even if that meant hiding her from the world. She hid everything related to magic. To her magic was the reason her life was shattered, it was the reason why she couldn't see her son, it was the reason why her brother was dead, it reminded her that she was related to him. She hated magic. She hated magic from every fiber of her body and didn't want the only people left that she loved to die.


Mathew Aurelius Charlton was lost. He lost his best friend, his son was separated from him. Of course, how could he ever forget that he was betrayed, that he once trusted a man who turned out to be a traitor, the very same man who broke his wife completely- him. He tried to hide his emotions from his wife but failed. His wife always seemed to notice it. She tried to help him but couldn't do much help as that night just couldn't seem to be forgotten. It was as if it was tattooed in his brain. Though he loved his daughter he missed his son very much.


It was a spring evening. Estella was sitting by the window staring at the evening sky. It was her tradition to sit by the window waiting for the stars to appear so that she could rant about her boring birthday. No matter how hard her parents tried to make her birthday perfect it never worked. She was humming a tune when she heard a hoot.

A hoot?

She looked outside the window and saw an owl. She was startled and fell onto the ground with a thud. Hearing the commotion, her parents ran upstairs. Celeste almost fainted when she saw the thing that was in her hand. The letter. The very same letter she had got decades ago, the Hogwarts letter.

Estella was confused. She held a letter in her hands. Who would send a letter to her?

Especially by an owl? Uncle Richard? Auntie Harmony? Or was her idiot cousin Elvis playing a prank on her? No, it couldn't be them, the handwriting was different, very cryptic and where would he find an owl? Could it be Grandpa and Grandma? They hadn't written to her in a while. Yeah, it must be them. But an owl really?

Matthew was shocked to see her daughter with the letter. He was protective of her daughter as she was a ticking bomb. Literally. So he carefully approached her and asked, "Is that a letter? "

"Yeah. But who would send me one, that too by an owl?"

That confirmed his suspicion. It was the very letter he was waiting for.

"May I see it? " And he took it from her.

He observed the letter. The red stamp, the same handwriting, the same paper. This was it. He gave it back to Estella and motioned her to open it.

By the time Estella opened the letter her mother had seen it. A sense of nostalgia washed over her. Putting all that aside she placed a hand on her daughter's shoulder and watched as her daughter opened the letter gingerly.

"Hogwarts. Is it a school? " She asked.

"Yes, it is a school of magic " Said Celeste

"School of magic you say? Oh. "She said with an unreadable look on her face.

Realization hit her like a rock. They weren't joking. It was actually real!

" I'm a witch then? Like the ones in books with wands and all. " She motioned with her hands.

"Yes, those ones" Her father replied with a laugh.

"But we have something to tell you first," Celeste said while sharing a nervous glance with her husband.

And so they told her everything. From that night's events to their family secret. Estella absorbed everything like a dry sponge but did not get angry at them. She could see the pain flashing on their faces and knew that it was hard for them.

"So is there anything else you want to tell me"

She asked sincerely.

"Yeah about that. You have an elder sibling, brother to be exact. " Matthew said.

"What!" She exclaimed. She never expected this. A brother!?

"How old is he exactly? " Trying to keep her cool demeanor.

"He's 12. A year older. "

"Oh. A brother. " She whispered with a faint smile on her face. She'd always dreamt of having a brother.

"What's his name? " She asked.

"Orion. That's his name."


(Author's Note)

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.

There won't be a specific schedule for updating so updates will be irregular.

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See you guys in the next chapter!!!!

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