23 - Good bye

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  "Dad... Is someone here..." Lucas asked.

  'Please say no! Please say no! Please say n-'

  "Yes! Someone you should apologize to!" Alpha roared.


  "Athanasia...? Are you here...?" Lucas called.

  I hesitantly walked in front of his view.

  "Hi...?" I said waving my hand.

  "Oh my god! It really is you! Thank goodness your safe!" I was shocked...

  My mate...

  Is hugging me...

  My mate...

  Is hugging me!

  The sparks were all over my body.

  "U-u-um..." I was sure I was blushing red.

  'Shit... After me giving myself a talk not to fall all over you, you come and break it! Damnit Lucas!!! Why do you have to be so damn attractive!' Lucas let go of the hug.

  He was smiling...

  He was actually smiling!

  "U-uh... Alpha. It's good to see you again..." I said bowing down.

  I saw Lucas looked... Offended...?



  "When did you address Lucas by his title?" Luna asked.

  "U-um... I... I think it was when I was demoted to omega..." I replied.

  'Athanasia!!! Stop blushing!!!'

  "Look at how much you mistreated your poor mate! She's blushing from just a hug!" Alpha injected.

  "Huh...? Wait... You both know she's my second chance mate...?" Lucas questioned.

  "She's your mate! This witch! She cast a fake mate spell." Alpha explained.

  "I'm confused... I should be mad at her... And I am... It's just that I have fallen for Jennette..." Lucas sighed.

  "Who's clearly in love with Luke more then you..." I mumbled.

  I side stepped when I felt a knife being thrown at me.

  'Shit! He heard me!'

  "Care to say that again?" Lucas asked.

  "No alpha." I kept my head down.

  "You bastard lame excuse of a son." I heard a thud.

  I looked up and saw Lucas being punched so hard that he flew to the wall.

  "A-alpha! Don't hurt him!!!" I immediately said running over to Lucas.

  I hovered my hand around his back.

  "Why.... How is it healing...?" Lucas asked me.

  I shrugged and looked at Luna of blood moon.

  "Apparently somehow I still have the ability to heal you." I replied.

  "Lucas. Can you heal athanasia? Her back is burnt." Luna suggested.

  Lucas looked hesitant.

  "There is no need for that Luna." I said.

  I hated the hesitation...

  "Alpha. Since your here, is it okay if you bring Luna of blood moon to your pack?" I spoke.

One-sided Mates - Wmmap FanficWhere stories live. Discover now