Chapter 1:

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 I was in the front of my dad's new pickup truck. Not like you could tell it's new, but my dad says the best trucks have dirt on them, which I kind of like. We were going to our house, in the woods, just a few miles outside of St. Helena, California. We lived in a big, brown, house, it looked brand new but it was built in 1923, but it was updated a few times.

We were driving down from Seattle. My dad wanted to head down early this morning, but my dad was a contractor and he got called into work, by the time he got out, it was quarter to five when we headed out of the city, and got stuck in rush hour traffic on a Friday night, it took us almost four hours to get out of. I fell asleep after about 45 minutes of sitting there. My dog, Shadow, he was my thirteenth birthday present from my dad. He's a sieberian husky golden retriever.

I felt a tap on my shouler and heard someone whisper, "Skylyn, wake up, we're here." I open my eyes and give myself a minute to adjust. I look to the left and see my dad leaning against the door. I look to my right and see the big brown house I hadn't seen since last summer.

I opened the truck door and jumped down and grabbed my sky blue and black back pack. Our stuff for the next two weeks is in the back of the truck, my dad untied the blue tarp, folded it up, and threw it in the front seat. I grabbed my two purple suitcases out of the back, set them down, and slid my blue tote bag over the largest suitcase.

My dad had his stuff out already. He shut the driver side door and headed toward the house, me and Shadow following behind him.

My dad unlocked the front door, and we walked in. Shadow almost knoched me over when she ran in from behind me. I threw my stuff on the living room couch and pulled my cell phone out of my pocket and clicked on the screen. I looked at th screen to see what time it was, 3:30 am.

I was to tired to go upstairs so I just passed out on the little couch.


I woke up the next morning to Shadow licking my face. I got up off the couch, and  walked into the kitchen, on the fridge was a post-it note that said, Going to the store, be back later. I walked to the back door and slid it open to let Shadow out, but I found him sitting by his bowl, so I went over to my back pack and got him one of his treats. He ran over to his bed, which my dad must have set up, and laid down. I looked at the clock on the stove it was 11:30.

My suitcases weren't on the couch, I guess my dad took them upstairs, so I went up and took a shower. I decided I would go for a swim, so I put on my blue bikini and went down to the kitchen to see if there was anything to eat. There were some snacks and orange juice in the fridge. I grabbed a bag of extra cheddar cheese gold fish and an orange juice.

I slid the back door open and walked out. I set the gold fish and juice down on the table next to one of the chairs. I heard a splash from behind me and figured it was Shadow and turned to see. But I saw somebody doing the backstroke in my pool. I screamed and he stopped and looked at me. Shadow was at my side barking at him. I said, "Shadow, follow." He followed as I ran into the house and shut the door. "Quiet." He stopped barking.

I peeked out the window, the guy was climbing out of the pool. I said, "Shadow, stay." I opened the door, and the guy says, "I am so sorry, I didn't know anyone was living here."

"We just got in last night, I'm Skylyn."

"I'm Mike, I live about a mile down."

I said, "You can swim pretty good."

"I'm on the school team"

"Really? I am too."

He asked, "Do you wanna race?

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