Chapter 2:

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I stared at the person who is in front of me. "Skylyn, who's at the door?"

I took a moment then yelled, "Wrong house." I put my hand on his chest and pushed him out of the doorway, step out, and shut the door. Then I say, "Mike, what are you doing here?"

He said, "I needed to see you. I've been thinking about you all day." He caressed my cheek with his hand. I placed my hand on his. "Meet me in my backyard later."

He said, "I don't know if I can wait that long." So, we hit it off a little more than I originally thought. I guess I was a little out of it.

"Well you're going to have to." I pulled his hand off of my face, gave him a little nudge. He turned and walked away, turning around every few feet to see me still standing there. I turned around, twisted the door knob, and opened the door.

I walked through the living room, and back into the kitchen to sit down and eat my dinner. My dad said, "So, they had the wrong house?"

I said, "Yeah, I pointed them in the right direction."

"Okay. I'm going to head over to Mr. Grande's house. We're going to watch some basketball. You can come if you want, but I know you don't like basketball."

"Yeah, I'll be just fine. Have fun." My dad walked over to the door, slid on his flipflops and left.

I finished my fruit punch and wrap, then decided I'd go outside. The sun wasn't out the sky looked kind of gray, like it was going to rain, and I don't mind the rain. so I sit in oe on the padded adjustable chairs, and put it midway between sitting up and laying down. I laid there with my eyes closed and waited for the rain.

I heard someone open the backyard gate, and fix one of the chairs next to me. It was quiet after that so I open my eyes and take a peek at who is sitting next to me. As I figured it was Mike.

I closed my eyes again and said, "I thought I said later?"

"It is later. So, why are you sitting out here?"

"Waiting for the rain. Which requires quiet."

He said, "Okay." So we sat there for a while, then I felt a rain drop hit my face, then another, then another, then it was pouring. I can tell Mike didn't have the same feeling I did about the rain. It calmed me. I stood up and start to sing "A milion raindrops" and just let the rain hit me. I can tell Mike enjoyed listening to me sing. I was still in my chair wth my eyes closed, singing.

"This is adorable." He said, I stopped, opened my eyes and looked at him. Looking at his smile, made me smile. I stood and continued to look at him, his hair soaked, rain drops falling down his face. I walk towards the door and open it, gesturing for him to follow me in. We have a stand sitting by the back door and decided we'd put a stack of towels there.

I grabbed two off the stack, and tossed one in his direction. I sat down on one of the stools, pulled one out, and tapped on it, indicating for him to come sit down.

"So, where is your dad?" He said, still standing, looking around.

I said, "Don't worry, my dad and his baseball bat are at a friend's house."

"Okay," He came over and sat down, "Are you going to the Grande's spring break party?"

"You know the Grandes?" He nodded, "Yeah. So you're going?"


We sat and talked for a while. Then my phone went off. It was a text from my dad, I'll be home in 5. "Mike, my dad is on his way home." I said, walkng out of the kitchen.

"Okay." He said as he stood up from the couch. We both walked to the back door. I opened the door, I looked up and saw Mike staring down at me. He leaned down and kissed me on the forehead. Then ran out into the pouring rain to the back gate.

I heard the front door open. My dad walked into the kitchen with a plate in his hand. "Mrs. Grande sent over some of her potaoes that you like." He said setting down the plate. He came over and stood next to me, still looking out in the rain. "Looks like you were danceing in the rain again." I shook my head yes. "So, who was it I saw running out the back gate and into the bushes?"

I slid the door shut, turned, and walked toward the stairs.


I said, "It may or may not have been Mike."

"Mike, as in the guy you were kissing earlier?"

"Maybe. I'm going to bed. Love you."

He responded, "Love you, too.

I heard him laughing as I went upstairs, and tried to fall asleep, but I just kept thinking about Mike. It was a long night.


The song is A Million Rain Drops from Zoey101

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2015 ⏰

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