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 G: - Liv! Come down! -

L: - I'm comiiiing! -My sister came down and fortunately was wearing smart clothes- But when are these people arriving? -

G: - I think they should be here for 7:00... and, Liv... I've got bad news... -

L: - Oh my God, what happened?? -

G: - I'm afraid Edward is coming too... -. She became as red as the All Star shoes she was wearing, then she grabbed a pillow from the sofa and started hitting me making me die of laughter.

Mom: - Livia! Stop it right n...-. In that moment the doorbell rang and my father went to open the door.

Edward: - Good evening, Mr. Braschi! -

Dad: - Oh, hello Edward! And good evening everybody! Please, make yourselves at home - . My father closed the door behind him, and guided the guests through the house.

Livia's POV

When my father closed the door I gasped heavily.

We were there, ten people who pretended that they had known each other for a lifetime. Everybody had something to say so that dinner wasn't really awkward.

Anne: - I'm very glad you have invited us! -she smiled- Edward wasn't really sure if he could've come, but he canceled all his business to be here this evening -

Mom: - So you are the famous friend! Nice to meet you, I'm Gloria, this is my husband Francesco... -

Jav.: - I'm Javaad, it's a pleasure -

Mom: - ...And these are my daughters... -

L: - Hello, I'm Livia -

G: - A-and I... I'm Giorgia... Nice to meet you... -

I pulled her a nudge and whispered: - If you keep eating him with your eyes you're going to be accused of cannibalism -

Giorgia's POV

That boy was very... Weird... He seemed to be uncomfortable, and every time he laid his eyes on me I felt like dying.

L: - So, Javaad... You aren't English? -

Jav: - No... I mean, yes: my father is Pakistani, but my mother is English and I was born here -

James: - True! We've known him since forever! We used to be neighbors -

Will.: - You're right, James! Do you remember that tree house we built? -

Anne: - You must know that Javaad's family used to live in this house -

Mom: - And why did they leave? -

Jav.: - My parents had always prefered the countryside, but they gave me the chalet in front of this one... -

The dinner lasted for a long time, but Livia and I went to bed at 10, because we had school the following day. We said goodnight and went to our rooms.

L: - Giò, what's wrong? -

G: - Nothing...It's just that that tree house looks creepy... -

L: - It does, actually... It's weird... And also that Ja... va... Or something like that -

G: - Javaad... Yeah, he looks like he's hiding something... He is weird too -

L: - Bah, don't care about it! The other guys were kind and normal -

G: - Especially Edward, huh? -

L: - Oh, please, shut up! - Then we went to sleep.


The morning after we woke up listless.

We arrived at school at almost 8.

L: - Excuse me, do you know where this classroom is? -

X: - Uhm, we're looking for it too -

L: - Oh, perfect! I'm Livia and she is Giorgia, my younger sister -

X: - Hey, you're the new girls, then! My name is Elizabeth Simons. It was tough for me too at the beginning, because of the place I come from... - said the girl, whose hair was blond and very short.

X2: - Yes, 'cause she's Irish! Hi, I'm Mary Romill, nice to meet you! - another girl, who had long, dark brown hair and eyes, greeted.

X3: - And I'm Tracy Carter, welcome here - said the last one, who had long curly brown hair and warm eyes.

G: - Wow, thanks, nice to meet you too! - I said with a big smile stuck on my face.

Those girls were very nice and kind towards us: they introduced me and my sister to our new classmates and teachers, who weren't that bad at all, and that school was awesome.

We became friends very easily with Elizabeth, Mary and Tracy, so that we invited them to study at our home that same day. But at the school doorway me and Liv were paralyzed:

L: - Giorgia... -

G: - Yes, I can see him -

T: - Who? -

G: - That guy, standing next to that motorbike -

E: - He's cute... Who is he? -

We told them about the dinner and started walking home, ignoring the boy.

When I turned to see what he was doing, I noticed that Javaad was staring at me, but as soon as our eyes crossed each other's, he jumped on his motorbike and ran away.

HURRICANE (English Translation)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя