inejs bday plans

121 5 28

notes: same as always: really random, no storyline, just for fun lol :))

(inejs birthday)

kaz added Matthias, nina, Jesper and wylan to the chat.

kaz: hello this is for planning inejs birthday

Jesper: it's literally in a month??

kaz: so?

Jesper: it's a bit early but get it i guess

kaz: it's so we are prepared and so she has a good day

nina: just out of interest kaz have you ever planned any of our birthdays?

kaz: no why

nina: just checking🏃‍♀️

matthais: nina just did the biggest eye roll in history- they literally disappeared for a second

jesper: PLEAASSE

wylan: so what are these magical plans of yours then

kaz: you can think of the gifts to get her, I've already planned mine

Jesper: care to elaborate

kaz: I'm getting her geraniums and a set of knives

jesper: wow ok well thanks for leaving us a great choice of stuff to get her

nina: I'll just get her waffles and her favourite toppings she'll love me more than you kaz <3

kaz: no

Matthias: I need help I'm rubbish at buying gifts

nina: I'll help you my love <3

Matthias: thank you ❤️

jesper: bro you guys are cute as hell

wylan: i know right- who knew Matthias even knew how to use emojis

Matthias: nina helped me

nina: cause I'm iconic like that

jesper: yassss icon

kaz: everyone shut up

wylan: geez sorry dad

jesper: DAD-

nina: LMAO

wylan: I MEANT KAZ


wylan: my speech to text feature really be high or something

nina: it's ok wylan we get it if you see someone a year older than you as a father figure 😜☝️

wylan: shut up

jesper: HELP

jesper: surprised kaz hasn't left the gc yet

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