day out at the theme park

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This is my favourite one so far it was sm fun to write and it's quite long too so I hope you enjoy:))

(The sexy six)

nina: besties can we do something super random and fun tomorrow I have nothing to do and I don't want to be bored all day

Jesper: yes bestie I'm free let's go somewhere  wild 😜

kaz: never use that emoji or "wild" again

Jesper: you're spoiling the vibes kaz🙄

kaz: don't care

kaz: and I'm not free tomorrow

Inej: hey bff nina I'm all good to go wherever tomorrow:))

kaz: just checked my calendar I read the wrong day I'm free

wylan: sure you simp

wylan: and yeah I'm down for anything

Matthias: I am free too, nina my love where are we going and I will drive.

nina: Matthias helvar I love you<33

nina: and I was thinking the theme park, all of us for the day, living our best lives and screaming on rollercoasters ‼️

jesper: YESS

jesper: I haven't been to the theme park in forever, the last time I went was with Wylan on a date and his belt wasn't on properly on one of the rides and he almost flew out the seat, it was kinda fun sorry wy, but besides that it was a great day we should definitely goooo

a/n: I'm dying laughing at imagining this in my head I'm sorry but imagine the chaos please

wylan: a great day? I almost died but whatever

jesper: drama queen it was literally the swings, and I was holding your hand so i would've caught you anyway😏

a/n: this based off the time I went to a theme park when I was like 9 and the belt on my seat on the swings ride wasn't done properly and I was literally panicking the whole time, I was clinging onto the bars for dear life istg🏃‍♀️

Matthias: that sounds very dangerous did you complain to the people at the park

wylan: yeah and they didn't even care 🙄

nina: the audacity

nina: are you ok to come then wylan or are you traumatised from last time😞

wylan: shut up

wylan: and yes I'm coming I love theme parks just not when I'm almost flying out the rides

Matthias: I will go I just don't think I will go on many things, I will hold the bags for everyone

Jesper: that's no fun matty you have to come ride with us‼️

nina: oh saints Matthias I'm so sorry I forgot you don't like rollercoasters, we can go somewhere else love <3

wylan: Matthias doesn't like rollercoasters???

Jesper: since when☝️

Matthias: since forever, but no I'll still go with you all, I'll go on rides that aren't rollercoasters, and when it is a rollercoaster you can all go and I'll look after your things

nina: are you sure? we can easily go somewhere else

Matthias: of course I'm sure I know how much you love theme parks :)

Random crow texts 😎Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ