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*Alea's POV*

"ALEA" I heard Ryan yell while shaking me, I shot up grabbing his bicep trying to calm my breathing feeling Ryan gently rubbing my back.

"Hey it's okay baby you were screaming," He explained wrapping his arms around me and kissing my head. "bad dream?" He asked causing me to nod in response. "wanna talk about it?" He asked cautiously as I shook my head-hugging onto him tighter.

I moved onto his lap resting my head on his chest, I let my breathing calm allowing me to fall asleep again.

I woke up about 5 hours later cringing at the bright sun shining through the cracked window, smelling the fresh air of the afternoon breeze.

I took a minute to check my surroundings looking over and seeing Ryan at the desk on his laptop.

"Babe?" I said with a raspy voice, My throat feeling as if sandpaper was rubbing against each other.

"Hey I'm here baby girl," He said moving over to the bed and sitting next to me rubbing my head.

"how long have I been sleeping?" I asked sitting up against the headboard and rubbing my eyes.

"like 5 hours you've been out like a light ever since I woke you up, do you wanna talk about now?" He asked looking at me with concern in his eyes.

"uhh well I don't know it's like a reoccurring nightmare, there's this shadow figure I can't make him out, he always corners me and calls himself daddy but not you. His voice is way different more menacing and he's holding an object, I don't know what else I always wake up before something awful happens," I explain bringing my knees up to my chest and wrapping my arms around them.

"Oh, baby I'm sorry that sounds terrible," He said moving to me and wrapping his arms around me. "let's have a stay-in-bed day ill order takeout and we can watch movies. sound good?"

"yea that sounds nice" I replied in a quiet voice rubbing my palms on my bare thighs and bringing the black comforter over them as Ryan got up sitting back at his desk. "What movie did you have in mind?" I asked looking up at him.

"I was thinking something along the lines of a rom-com but it's up to you," He said not looking up from his monitor and keeping his chin on his fist.

"We could watch broken hearts gallery that ones cute and easy" I suggested watching him nod as he scrolled through some restaurants. After another ten minutes of staring at the wall, I got up to the bathroom. 

Once I got in the bathroom I let out a breath looking in the mirror as I gripped the countertop, I frowned seeing the bag under my eyes, pulling at my skin noticing my unusually pale tone. I washed my face brushing my teeth before clutching my stomach feeling it growl beneath my hands. 

I let go as I heard a knock at the door, "Honey? Are you okay? you've been in there for a while" Ryan as in a gentle tone from outside the door causing a small smile to spread on my face before opening the door and wrapping my arms around his neck. 

He grumbled a little before I felt his arms wrap around my waist pulling me up, in response I wrapped my legs around his waist, resting my head against his shoulder. "What's this about?" He asked swaying me gently 

"I'm just lucky to have you as my daddy" I said kissing his cheek. I smiled hearing him chuckle as he started moving. I giggled as he threw me down on the bed starting to tickle me. 

"NO daddy I'm sorry" I shrieked trying to push his hands away before he smiled pinning my hands above my head with one hand continuing to tickle me. 

"say you love me" He joked I shook my head laughing harder. 

"Never" I said back in a bratty tone feeling tears form in my eyes

"Tickle monster can go forever baby girl" He said starting to tickle me harder. 

"OKAY okay I love you daddy" I said in between giggles taking a deep breathe once he stopped.  

"See now was that so hard?" He asked as I sat up resting on my elbows pouting. "Oh tuck that lip in" He joked in a whiny tone falling onto the bed next to me. I smile laying back looking over at him as he looked up at the ceiling  

"Are you okay?" I asked turning on my side leaning up on my elbow. 

"Yeah" He started glancing at me as I gave him the look. "Okay your nightmare is just freaking me out a little" He confessed. 

"I'm sorry I didn't want to scare you" I said looking down. 

Ryan sighed reaching his hand over tilting my head up by my chin. "It's not your fault, and I'm not scared by it I just feel bad. You use this to cope with your anxiety and stuff and now your all anxious from having these nightmares where someone takes advantage of you" He said shaking his head. "It's just frustrating knowing this is something I can't help with, maybe we should call your therapist again-" He started before I cut him off with a whine. 

He shook his head giving me the daddy look, "We agreed you can stop going when you stopped having those panic attacks but this isn't going to help anyone if you don't talk to anyone" He said in a stern tone

"But daddyy I talk to you, and your daddy you have the answers to everything" I whined 

"You know damn well baby that I don't know how to stop these, don't you want to stop them have a good nights rest for once?" He asked gently stroking my cheek with this thumb 

"It's just embarrassing to have to admit my problems to someone else that's not you, It doesn't sound that bad and I know there's people with worse problems out there" I said holding onto his wrist. 

"And that's okay to feel baby, everyone feels unimportant and that their feelings or struggles are insignificant, fuck even daddy thinks that which is why we make a conscious effort to fix these issues" He said kissing my forehead holding my hand. "I'll call her tomorrow to make an appointment and then when we start tour you can move them online sound good?" He asked as I nodded smiling up at him. 

"Good girl, now let's start that movie and eat dinner" He said sitting up reaching his hand out helping up over to his desk to order food. I smiled up at him as I sat on his lap leaning against him as he scrolled through random restaurants.  

~A/N- What's up fuckers, long time no see, sorry bout that I've had this chapter brewing for quite some time but never the motivation to finish it. I saw trinity of terror on Friday and holy fuck was it amazing, those are all my favorite bands and it was a dream come true. MIW was so good I can't believe I saw them all in person. Also also I'm thinking of starting a Spencer Charnas ddlg fanfic just so I have the terror trinity I don't know though, I need to stop starting stuff and never finishing anything. 

~Word count: 1230~ (How fucking weird I'm uploading this at 12:30)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2023 ⏰

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