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   I run in the dark, the temperature in the air rising surprisingly fast, I hear noises from behind me as I'm running. I-it sounds like laughter. . .Could it be the killer? I run faster hoping to make it to the police station but instead run into. . . my house. What!? my house? I could've sworn I was . . .maybe I just walked in a big circle. I rush inside and lock all my doors and windows, hiding in my room, I look at the bed, and that's when it all started coming together. . .that's when I saw it. My families mutilated remains on my bed. . .and my fire axe covered in blood beside them. . .I look down at my hands, realizing that they had the same red paintjob like the rest of them room. A-and my clothes! . . .I don't remember my clothes being red. . .

. . .

N-no, it can't be. . .I couldn't have. . .all of those people. . .m-my family. . .

.   .   .

I must leave. Now.

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