Chapter 2 : Book.

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-Isabella's Point of View ( POV):-

After taking a shower I sat down on my bed with the book in my hand. I looked at the cover carefully. It looked...majestic? I mean, it looked like some sort of fantasy book you'd find with information about fairies or stuff like that. Weird.. but pretty. I took a good look at it before flipping it open to the first page. It was a partially blank page with the words " A Story Of Divinia"  written on it. "Huh..?"  - I breathed out. How strange, there should be the author's name right below? Maybe it's at the back?" - I asked myself in a confused tone. I flipped it over all the way to the last  page and saw that there wasn't a name. My face kept shifting  into a more confused one each time. " But...why isn't the author's name here..?" - I searched the entire book and to my unfortunate luck. There wasn't a name. How weird.  I told myself  that the author must have not wanted their name written. Maybe publicity reasons. 

I opened the book and began reading.

A Story of Divinia Once upon a time,  there were scattered Kingdoms across the earth's continent . Even still only 4 of them were powerful enough to supply other smaller kingdoms of their needs and still have enough to keep their kingdoms on a stable condition. Each of those 4 kingdoms had their heirs. Many or just a single child.  The Imperial  Kingdom's stated names were : 

" Credia Empire" 

"Telemark Dynasty"

" Kingdom of Umbris "

" Kingdom of Centuros"

Credia Empire: The Credia empire was well known for their name and their devoted soldiers. The name Credia means " A good type of Karma "  Their rule is that they do not wish to start fights but if anyone else does they would pay them back with hell.  Allies : Telemark Dynasty and the Kingdom of Centuros. 

Telemark Dynasty:  The Telemark dynasty was known for their power in politics yet their hearts of gold. The Telemark dynasty is heavily powered  and  incredibly brave. They face wars in with no fear .  Allies : Credia Empire . Kingdom of Centuros and the Kingdom of Umbris. 

Kingdom of Umbris: This kingdom is well known for their constant lightning storms and their power to extract lightning and turn it into a source.  The kingdom had developed metal rods that capture lighting and turn it into an advanced mechanism. Allies : Telemark Dynasty and The Kingdom of Centuros .

Kingdom of Centuros: This pearlscent kingdom is known for their secret type of color shifting marble. This marble is used all across the country. It brings beauty and grace. This marble is only found in the mines of the kingdom . Allies : Credia Empire , Telemark Dynasty and The Kingdom of Umbris. 

" The story revolves around four main characters. The Female Protagonist, The Female Antagonist , The Female Protagonist's acquaintance and The Male Protagonist.

1>) The Female Protagonist : Anastasia Hallowswfit.

2>) The Female Antagonist : Victoria Embers.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2021 ⏰

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