Chapter 1

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Bing bong bing

I readjust my hair for the ninetieth time.

Bing bong bing

I dab at the corner of my eye hoping the make-up I spent 45 minutes applying doesn't look too much. I can just use the excuse I was bored right?

Bing bo- Shit

"Hey, sorry, I wish there was a good excuse for me being late. But me and my roommate fostered a cat and she's just so damn adorable." She comes into frame wearing a black vest top and an oversized shirt thrown over the top. Her brown hair half up half down and I feel like I can't breathe.

"Ahh, no way. Let me see the cat." She disappears and then brings a white fluffy cat into view that looks disgusted at the fact it's been taken from wherever it was. And she's making it wave at me. I can't help myself from waving back. "She's amazing."

"Just needed something while we can't leave the house" she chuckles putting the cat back on the ground.

"What's it like over there at the minute?"

"I'm in Brooklyn, and it's just interesting to see the amount of ignorance, there's not really any enforced rules other then some stores requiring masks."

"What did everyone expect though you've got a wotsit in charge." She's laughing. Her hands go to clutch her sides.

"What the fucks a wotsit."

"Oh my god you don't know what a wotsit is." Before I even know what I'm doing I'm up off my bar stool and in my cupboards. I return open the crisps and hold up a small orange cheesy puff to the camera. "This is Donald trump" I say holding it up to the camera before eating it. She's laughing. "Can you tell living on my own and having it be illegal to go outside has gotten to me. Bet this isn't what you expected when you were sliding into my DM's" 

She's still laughing "it wasn't but I'm really glad this is what I got" suddenly self conscious, I find myself blushing and looking away from my laptop. "Where abouts in the UK are you?" She's asks breaking the awkward silence.

"Bath. Don't go posting that all over the internet. The rumours online think I live in London and I'd like to keep it that way."

"I love Bath, finally someone's couch I can sleep on that lives in bath."

"I'm surprised you even know where it is. You Americans come over tour the same four cities and then leave again for 2 years" She puts her hand to her heart as if she's mimicking that I've shot her.

"I'm offended. It's the same seven cities if you must know." I can't help myself from laughing.

We spend the next few hours talking about everything and nothing. "So when are you cooking for me then?" I ask, it's late here and I'm in bed with my laptop. She's in the kitchen making dinner.

"Whenever you're allowed out the country." She says not looking at me but at the pan in front of her. "What time is it?"

"2 a.m, shit how have we been talking for so long. We've not even talked about what project you wanted me to jump on." I laugh.

"You need to go to sleep." She says more like an order then anything.

"Yeah because I've got so much planned tomorrow?" I chuckle "you're probably right though, night Lynsey."

"Goodnight, sweet dreams." I shut my laptop lid and catch myself smiling.

Nope. No thank you. I put my laptop on the floor and bury my face in my pillow. No. Do not let her in. Do not let yourself get hurt.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2022 ⏰

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