Chapter 1

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As the night comes, darkness covered the whole world, light keeps trying to gave vision just to clear the path for anyone to see it. A girl moves as fast as she could, gasping as her heart beats fast. She moves as fast as she can, but her toe bump  upon a rock and fall forward. She turn around to view the backward direction with her tears flowing like waterfall. “Don’t come,” She said, “Please go away” a figure of a man stepping forward. His shadow shaded her, he breathe like a bull, like a dragon with a fire in the mouth and a smoke coming out of its nostrils. “Die” he said, “Die!!” he pierce her flesh with a knife in his hand like pecking a block of ice to be crushed into pieces. Her scream breaks the silence, then the scenery fades as she opens her eyes and finds herself in her bedroom.She started to have her eyes wet with tears as she sat beside her bed, touching the bandage that was attached to her neck. The door opened and she quickly turn around, seeing her mom checking her out and asking her if she’s ok. Her mom sat beside her and kissed her with her hands fixing her hair, then she bury her face on her chest and the tears began to flow, she started to produce a siren sound and sniff with her stuck-up  nose.

She went to the balcony, with her eyes swollen, witnessing the scenery outside as the light is now finally conquered the whole world and opens all closed eyes, awakening them from their deep sleep. “Mizuki, your cousins are here” her mom said, she went to where her cousins waiting for her. “anneoyong Mizuki” said her cousins. They invite her to go outdoor with them and hangout. Mom gave them the permission to take Mizuki with them. After an hour of conversation as Mizuki come out of her room finish changing her clothes, they say goodbye to Mizuki’s mom and left.

Huge buildings are around like people attends a gathering, as the living beings below moving on their own directions while others stay in one place, and some crowded inside the  buildings where they’re doing their own different objectives. Some are having a conversation with one another about important and not important matters. “How’s your daughter? Is she ok now?” The other one said, “Thank goodness sir she’s fine, she and my wife are here with me while she’s in a recovery stage” After the discussion ended, he excuses and bow to the other one before he leaves. On his way, the others meet him along the way, giving him small presents that makes his jaw drop. “That’s nothing compare to your help when my wife need to have chemotherapy Mr. Jae” one of them said, “we just want to bring back your kindness to us, hope your beloved daughter will recover soon” He excuses himself after saying anything and went to do his objectives. Mr. Jae looked at them as they do their work gladly. He breathes deeply as he tries to paint a smile on his face while his eyes blink rapidly then rub it with his finger. He went to a room, open the door and go inside. He take a seat in a table where only him fits in, inside the room where things are organized and all are in a good arrangement. The blue sky and cotton like clouds can be seen through the open window with transparent glass.  Mr. Jae pick up his phone and call someone, “Hello Hak, how’s Mizuki? Are they with you now?” he said.

A young man wearing a white shirt and jogger pants sitting in the park speaking with someone through the Phone, Mizuki and her cousins look around like an owl rotating their heads in a different direction, “He’s over there” her cousin said, and they went on to the location, where the guy wearing white shirt is sitting while talking with someone through phone. “They’re here Jae-hwa, they just arrived on time” he said.

Mr. Jae on the other hand ask the person on the other side, “can I speak with my daughter?” he said, the person on the other side gave the phone to Mizuki, “Mizuki, your dad want to speak with you” Schedules, boundaries, Mizuki and her dad having conversation through phone. “enjoy your cousin’s company with uncle Hak-kun darling” said Mr. Jae-hwa, “Yes dad” Mizuki replied, her dad entrusted her to Hak-kun, then he check his watch,  “Anyway, I need to leave you at the care of your uncle Hak” Mizuki then gave the phone back to Hak-kun, “Take care of Mizuki for me Hak, annyeonghi gyeseyo” Hak-kun assured Mr. Jae for the girl’s safety, “I’ll take care of them hyeong, Anneoyong” the call has ended and Mr. Jae-hwa proceed to his work.

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