Chapter 4

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Michael, Jason and Billy having a coffee in the coffee shop, enjoying each of their cup of coffee while having conversation with one another. “What time will we meet them?” Billy asked, “Hours from now, we’ll go after we finish our coffee” Jason answered, sip after sip their conversation keep flowing, sometimes they laugh at their funny stories but they’ll stop because people around will have their eyes on them, and of these people shake their heads. Their phone sounds like a doorbell, they check it and they receive a message in messenger. The text came from someone named Joel, informing them that they’re on the way to their meeting place. Billy drink his coffee without knowing it was already empty and after a short laughter because of him drinking from an empty cup, they left the coffee shop. Joel arrived in the meeting place, with a girl with him, “Expect them to be late, you know? Filipino time” Joel said, “Indeed” the girl replied, “Thankfully my love I have Filipino blood and I lived in Philippines for one year so it was not new to me” A minute have passed, the three arrived and meet Joel and the girl. They have a conversation for awhile then discuss about the concert that will be held in Tokyo, a concert of the idol group that was consist of young ladies, “You know these girlfriend of mind, I’ll support her” Joel said, “That makes me so happy to have you mahal” the girl replied, “Anyway, who are these girls Sato?” Michael asked. Sato, the girlfriend of Joel told them about the idol group, it was an idol group that was known to the people in the country, with not too big and not too small fandom, mostly consisted half of the population in the country. Sato get something from her bag and give it to Michael, “what is this?” Michael asked, “It’s a ticket to the concert, I brought each one of you, no worry,  it’s my treat today” Sato replied, Michael makes an excuse but Joel convince him, “Bro please, just these time” Michael can’t bare to see his friend’s request being refused, so he agreed just for Joel’s sake, he'll support his friend, “Bro salamat tinanggap mo ang pakiusap ko” Joel said, “No problem bro, basta ikaw” “What are we waiting for guys? Let’s go!” Sato added.

Michael, Billy, Jason and the couple arrive at the venue, they go inside and wait for the concert to start. After a moment of waiting, the concert starts, the idol group show up on stage, like stars that appears in the night sky, gazed by the people below that was fascinated by them, joy of the audiences explode then wave their hands. The boys are getting wild and crazy, and Sato as well clap her hands for seeing the group. Because of the girl’s charisma, Jason and Billy claps as well, Michael remains calm watching them, for his friend’s request he come with them with open heart. The show keep going, for the happiness of the fans who gave all their money and time just to see them performing. The theme started to become solemn, the girls announce in front of the people, telling everything about their colleague who passed away recently. The mass’ hearts broke into pieces as one of the girls continue to speak and tell the story. Tears started to rain in the venue, as the story of their friend and colleague was shared. They show their colleague’s picture in a huge screen as they started to become emotional, “This song, is dedicated for Saaya” trying her best to stop her tears to fall. As the Instrumental music started to play, Sato was hugged by Joel because she can’t hold her emotional state. Billy and Jason’s facial reaction is like seeing a ghost as they gaze on the huge picture of Saaya, they told Joel and Michael about the girl they try to save, and the girl is the same girl in the huge picture. They sing the song and  change the mood of the environment into requiem. The concert was live in the local television show. Mizuki, in the comfort of their home, break into tears, as she see the picture of the view from the past while watching the live show of the idol group, especially when she’s watching Aiko speak and tell them about saaya. Mizuki look back at the past events and review all the events where  Saaya, Aiko, Ai and Mizuki are in the stage performing in front of people who are clapping their hands for them while they are  singing and dancing with full energy and joy, painted on their faces as they show their brightest smile, but in the present, only Aiko and Ai are the original members left in the group and performing in the  concert.

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