Chapter 5

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Saaya may be gone, but the people who loves her still have her in their hearts and minds. Her memory remain alive in them. They keep remembering the life of Saaya. Begins from the time of her started.

The nurses are so busy helping a woman in labor as she endures the suffering of childbirth just to deliver the life she carries inside her womb for nine months. She successfully delivered her baby and she fall asleep for an hour. When she open her eyes, the first sight she has is her husband watching over her while she’s asleep. “Where’s our baby?” she asked. The baby was finally given to her and she receive it and cradle it in her arms. “Our baby is a girl” her husband said. She breastfeed the baby and her husband was so happy watching them. “What will be the name of your baby girl Maam?” the nurse that taking care of her asked, “Saaya.. her name will be  Saaya” all the scenes faded, Saaya’s mother return to the present scenery, where she’s gazing unto the picture of the baby in the photo album. One by one she gaze on the photos, then she saw one photo of a little girl, she have a lovely bright smile that’s like a sunshine brighten up the whole world from darkness, a little angel who knew nothing in this world but peace and love. Saaya’s mother touch the picture of little Saaya by her thumb  and remember the time of Saaya’s childhood. They’re having a meal together, as one family, little Saaya who was the little girl in the photo was enjoying her Ramen, “Look at your daughter,” she said to her husband and look at Saaya eating and wasting not even a small pieces, “Do you like it darling?” Father of Saaya asked, “Hai” with her mouselike voice, she responded, “You know mom, your Ramen is the best of the world” Saaya’s mother felt the pride of herself for being a  cook for her family, and as they share meal together, they share smile with each other, their laughter dominated the table. As the scene fade away in her mind and she return to the present, she closed the photo album, cover her mouth, and started to weep as she knows all of it are only memories of the past, like a smoke that appears then fades and disappears, after death took away Saaya from them. Life is so cruel, witnessing her pain with a smirk in his face, mocking the grieving heart of a mother who lost her precious child. As the grief goes on, she finally come up with a decision, she’ll follow her child to the underworld to be with her, having death to take her by her own will and end her time in the world early. She get a rope, tied it above and hang it. She put the circling rope into her neck, “wait for me there my precious Saaya” she closes her eyes and tears flow into her cheeks, as she prepare to drop her self, a “Meow” sounds from somewhere, hitting directly through her eardrum. She stops and take a look, and saw a cat that wear a t-shirt with the size fit for itself. With a bell tied on its neck, purring and slowly closing its eyes facing her. It meows for the second time, then it stands and stretch its body upward with only its toes touching the floor. Afterwards, it goes to her and rub itself on her legs, circling around. It purrs again and meows for another time. The face of the cat closing its eyes looking up to Saaya’s mom, make Saaya’s mom remove the rope from her neck and took the cat, she sat in the corner and petting it. She recall the time when Saaya got a kitten and took it home, “Where did you get that?” She asked, “I got it from the street, I feel pity on it, I was afraid that a vehicle hit it so I took it home” Saaya replied, her father approach them and see the dirty kitten, and Saaya beg her to have it, “Otosan can we have  him? Please….” She smiled and blink her eyes, showing her bright smile with her eyes as lovely as precious pearls. “hmmmm… Ok, fine..” Father said, “Yeheyy… from now on, this will be your knew home” Saaya lifting the kitten facing her, “what will I call you?? Hmmm?? Ahhh… I know, from now on, your name will be Fuku” Saaya show her brightest smile as she talk to her new kitten. Every time Saaya come home, she brought Fuku food, feed him then play with him like a child. Fuku close his eyes and purr as Saaya’s mother petting him, she again recalls another moment of Saaya and it was the last moment she will see her. Saaya was preparing herself to travel, she bid her mother farewell, and then she pick up Fuku, hugged him, “Fuku, I will gave you to mother ok? No worry, I’ll bring you bunch of food when I return” She then gave the cat to her mother, “Mom, please, take care of Fuku, even if.. I’ll be gone” She smiled, then her phone rang and she answered the call, “Ok, I’m on the way” after the call ended, she smiled to her mother then bow, “Sayonara mom”

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